We're here and we made it safe and sound. Thanks to all of you who have been praying for us.
Perhaps you're wondering how this all came about? I'm a board member for an organization called the Haitian Timoun Foundation. It invests in and builds relationships with grass roots organizations that are working at eradicating poverty here. Pretty phenomenal stuff. Life giving and hopeful.
I've been hoping to gift St. Stephen with this organization. So I shared that I was going on this trip with the council and watched for eyes to light up. Lot's did, but three in particular stepped up pretty immediately. They are: Gail Seeram (our immigration lawyer), Dennis Donahue (the resident urologist), Neil Lund (our friendly actuary), and Danielle Reno. Danielle heard me talk about Haiti on the mission trip earlier this summer on the mission trip and asked if she could go.
So here we are...soaking up a 5th world nation and watching how kingdom mindedness seeks to build human beings even in the most impoverished environments.
We're blessed friends: so incredibly blessed.
I'll do my best to post again...but connections are shaky here and unreliable even when they are present. So check in if you can, and I'll do my best to post when possible.
God loves you all, and I do too!
Pastor Nathan
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