READING: Psalm 51: 1-17
Many of you know that I am a school teacher and have been educating elementary aged kids for about 30 years. About 10 years ago, I was having a particularly difficult year with one of my students. He was able to turn things upside down in the room by just walking into it. I lived for the days he would be absent…..of course “that kind” never is. A few months into the school year, our daughter, Katie, and I were in a Christian book store. Katie called me over to show me a cute key ring with a frog on it. It wasn’t anything special, and it weighed a lot. Couldn’t imagine carrying extra weight in my purse! But then I turned it over to look at the back. There blazing back at me were four words: Fully Rely On God; F-R-O-G.......of course! That was how I was going to make it through the year. I bought that key ring and began purchasing other frog things…stuffed animals, ceramic statues, posters…and placed them in my room. I even considered one for a class pet, but decided better of that. It made me realize that I wasn’t in this educational job alone. What was I thinking? God was always there with me. Why wasn’t I listening? Many early mornings before students arrived, I would pray placing my hands on the student’s desk. I would ask God to help me understand this child and better help to serve his needs. I can’t honestly say that THE CHILD in particular changed a great deal, but I did. And so did some of the other students. I have MANY frogs in my room and they have even spilled in to my house. Frogs are cool! Why not get one, too? Thanks, God, for allowing me to find YOU in a frog.
Blessings to you,
Evelyn Nasworthy
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