READING: Mark 14: 1-9
My spiritual story was not an epiphany, but rather a journey of growth and understanding. Born and raised in a Christian home, I always believed and loved God; but somehow felt that there was something missing. Perhaps it was the “warm and fuzzy feeling” that so many Christians have. In my youth, I didn’t have the opportunity to develop my faith through SS or Bible study due to the lack of teachers.
My spiritual story was not an epiphany, but rather a journey of growth and understanding. Born and raised in a Christian home, I always believed and loved God; but somehow felt that there was something missing. Perhaps it was the “warm and fuzzy feeling” that so many Christians have. In my youth, I didn’t have the opportunity to develop my faith through SS or Bible study due to the lack of teachers.
When on my own for the very first time, I felt I couldn’t do it alone and needed God’s help. I started reading the Bible, not fully understanding what I was reading, but this faded over time. A new friend asked me one day if I had ever invited Jesus into my heart. I was surprised and confess, even a bit offended, as I considered this a very private matter between God and myself. I had never heard about this, and didn’t think it was necessary, as I considered myself already a long time Christian. When I realized that she was serious, she then asked me if I wanted to do it then. I was sure I had nothing to loose, so, we prayed and I received Jesus in my heart.
As time went by, I became very involved in Church, yet my search continued, until 15 years later, when someone shared BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) with me. She stated that “It was the best thing she had ever done for herself”.
BSF is an in depth, Interdenominational Bible Study, it requires daily study. Almost 400 ladies meet studying one book of the Bible per year. The Bible became alive for me! It has given me a greater understanding of God’s will and allowed me to develop a personal relationship with Him by getting to know Jesus Christ in all of His fullness. I have now great happiness and inner peace, and have finally developed that” fuzzy feeling” by building a personal relationship with the Lord, through studying His Word. Today, I can say that “BSF is the best thing I ever did for myself”. I realize also the importance of inviting Him into my heart; not only had I everything to gain, but also so much to loose. I have a passion to serve Him and receive great joy in spreading the Good News.
My husband, Johan, has also joined the BSF men’s group, and spiritually we are now on the same wave length. What a Blessing!
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