A three year movement to grow our disciple-making
influence in this community and beyond!
Saints in Light,
As you all know, good things are in the air. St. Stephen is on fire with vitality and hopefulness, and conversations about our future in God are everywhere. Just over a year ago I walked our campus and prayed to God for guidance in the direction of our congregation. Those prayers and that conversation, along with many others, have brought us to this moment.
Two generations have called St. Stephen home and have raised their children in the faith of Jesus here. As we look towards a future of growth and vibrancy, it is apparent that our best days are not a thing of the past, but a future accessible to us on the horizon. If we are to be a church that rises to the challenge of these best days, then it makes sense for us to prepare for the future God is bringing to us.
In every time and place the mission of the church has been that of making disciples of Jesus...followers who live to bless the world with the hope and love of Christ. As a congregation we exist to "love, lead, build and send disciples for the mission of Jesus in the 21st century." This is our own unique articulation of the church's perennial call to disciple the world. Over our 36 years of life we have lived out this mission and have exemplified the values of vibrant worship, life-giving relationships, missional living and giving, and households alive in a resurrection faith.
The "Raising the Roof of Faith" Campaign is about people transformed and unleashed in the power of Jesus. It is about discipling both those who are already a part of the movement that is St. Stephen Lutheran Church, as well as all of those God will call to us so that his mission in the world can be fulfilled. As we dive into conversations about generosity over the coming month and as we are challenged as a congregation to own this future, even with our pocketbooks, my challenge to all of you is to remember that what we are doing is only secondarily about buildings. It's primarily about people.
Two true stories from our own community: The first has to do with a 15 year old teenager who has come to call our community in general and Solid Rock in particular, home. Her name is Bailey Dunn. She came into the influence of our church through Connie's Music Camp and over the years has transitioned from a child participant into a youth leader for the week. over the years she has made relationships of faith in Solid Rock that have led her to single critical decisions: that of baptism. If you look at the life of this young woman and the journey she has been on, you can see God's fingerprints all over her life, and this congregation had the privilege of being a part of that. This is what it's all about folks!
The second story is about Dick and Tina Langlotz. Tina came into our life because of the invitation (you know: AND next week? Bring a friend!) of a member to a Christmas Eve service. How did Tina know the member? They work out at the same gym and take gym classes together. Two months ago, at the age of 70, I had the tremendous privilege of baptizing Tina. It was a thing of power and beauty, and know that Tina, Dick and I all had a hard time getting through the baptism without outright weeping. Powerful!
Let us never forget our reason for being here. Our buildings, strategies, and even our giving are simply responses and vehicles through which God is doing wonderful and amazing things in our midst. God is on the move here. He's on the move transforming us in the life of this congregation. And He's going to do even more as we intentionally engage "Raising the Roof of Faith"!
From the Swenson-Reinhold's family room, God loves you and I do too!
Pastor Nathan
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