Did you know -- or do you care – that the following events are celebrated by some people (I can’t imagine who or why) in March?
How about “National Pig Day” (1st) or “I Want You to Be Happy Day” (3rd, which also shares the day with “If Pets Had Opposable Thumbs Day”)? Then you’ve got other out-of-this-world events, such as “National Pound Cake Day,” “Multiple Personalities Day” (one of me really enjoys this one; the other me can’t stand it), “National Cheese Doodle Day,” and “National Crown Roast of Pork Day.”
I found it interesting that “Be Nasty Day” was celebrated on March 8th, at the same time “International Women’s Day” was being held. I found it upsetting that the next day was “Panic Day.” Now a real winner falls on the 11th, when we look forward to “Middle Name Pride Day.”
“Worship Tools Day” had me confused. I wasn’t sure what it meant, until I visited the website (sure, everyone and everything has a website). Now maybe because I’m dense or because I’m writing this for a “church blog,” I saw the word “Worship” as the key term in the phrase. And I assumed the day recognized the “tools” used in the “worship process.” Not at all. In no way. The site made it clear that the day was about “worshiping tools.” Perhaps I really am dense.
Well, this entire silliness can get carried away. As the month of March creeps along, we have the opportunity to celebrate “Alfred Hitchcock Day,” “National Baked Scallops Day,” “Ear Muff Day,” “National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day,” “National Potato Chip Day,” “National Save a Spider Day,” “Dumbstruck Day” (which I thought was a daily occurrence), “Everything You Think Is Wrong Day,” which is followed by “Everything You Do Is Right Day,” then “Awkward Moments Day,” “Extraterrestrial Abduction Day,” “National Goof Off Day,” topped only by the dynamic duo of “National Chip and Dip Day” and “National Melba Toast Day” (both on March 23). Then, as the month comes to a close, we have the ever-exciting “National Joe Day,” “Something on a Stick Day,” “Supreme Sacrifice Day,” “Forgive Mom and Dad Day,” “Smoke and Mirrors Day,” “I’m in Control Day,” the ever popular “Bunsen Burner Day,” and finally ending on March 31 with “National ‘She’s Funny That Way Day.”’
Sure, among all this craziness, some truly worthwhile days appear on the calendar:
• Mothers Day
• Girl Scouts Day
• Good Samaritan Day
• Incredible Kid Day
Now, with all that behind me, please allow me to sort of wonder out loud about another reason to celebrate this March. Recently I had an opportunity to attend a crafts festival sponsored by St. Stephen, that hosted professionals and amateurs who work in photography, painting, cloth and leather, ceramics and jewelry. This took lots of time and coordination between and among a number of volunteers. There was the pleasure in seeing success come from all the effort, but not much in the way of any “special recognition.”
On the same day, a CPR course was being run in the Parish Hall. Here were gathered heath care professionals, who with the help of members of our care giving team, were training people of all ages (and there were young people present) to save lives in emergency situations. I don’t see a day set aside to single out these volunteers for recognition.
The more I thought about it, my mind went to all of our members who work Saturdays and Sundays during services to assist with communion and the readings. What about those who offer up their voices in the choir (which, happily seems to be growing), as well the emerging bell choir. This summer will see all manner of volunteers stepping up to help with the various programs offered to members and non-members.
I’m thinking, the list could go on and one (pot luck suppers, Sunday School teachers and assistants, those who spruce up the campus with fresh plants and mulch). Actually, it’s difficult to list them all. Too many to enumerate, without missing or forgetting some (unintentionally).
Well…what’s my point?
We spend lots of time creating days for tons of crazy and often meaningless events and groups and things. I’m asking all who read this to make March 2011 an entire month in which we put our focus on those worthy of recognition: St. Stephen Volunteers. Without them, we’d sink. Without them, lots would go undone. Without them, we wouldn’t be the community we’ve come to be – and will grow to become.
Congratulations VOLUNTEERS. March is dedicated to YOU. Thanks.
Dennis McClellan
How about “National Pig Day” (1st) or “I Want You to Be Happy Day” (3rd, which also shares the day with “If Pets Had Opposable Thumbs Day”)? Then you’ve got other out-of-this-world events, such as “National Pound Cake Day,” “Multiple Personalities Day” (one of me really enjoys this one; the other me can’t stand it), “National Cheese Doodle Day,” and “National Crown Roast of Pork Day.”
I found it interesting that “Be Nasty Day” was celebrated on March 8th, at the same time “International Women’s Day” was being held. I found it upsetting that the next day was “Panic Day.” Now a real winner falls on the 11th, when we look forward to “Middle Name Pride Day.”
“Worship Tools Day” had me confused. I wasn’t sure what it meant, until I visited the website (sure, everyone and everything has a website). Now maybe because I’m dense or because I’m writing this for a “church blog,” I saw the word “Worship” as the key term in the phrase. And I assumed the day recognized the “tools” used in the “worship process.” Not at all. In no way. The site made it clear that the day was about “worshiping tools.” Perhaps I really am dense.
Well, this entire silliness can get carried away. As the month of March creeps along, we have the opportunity to celebrate “Alfred Hitchcock Day,” “National Baked Scallops Day,” “Ear Muff Day,” “National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day,” “National Potato Chip Day,” “National Save a Spider Day,” “Dumbstruck Day” (which I thought was a daily occurrence), “Everything You Think Is Wrong Day,” which is followed by “Everything You Do Is Right Day,” then “Awkward Moments Day,” “Extraterrestrial Abduction Day,” “National Goof Off Day,” topped only by the dynamic duo of “National Chip and Dip Day” and “National Melba Toast Day” (both on March 23). Then, as the month comes to a close, we have the ever-exciting “National Joe Day,” “Something on a Stick Day,” “Supreme Sacrifice Day,” “Forgive Mom and Dad Day,” “Smoke and Mirrors Day,” “I’m in Control Day,” the ever popular “Bunsen Burner Day,” and finally ending on March 31 with “National ‘She’s Funny That Way Day.”’
Sure, among all this craziness, some truly worthwhile days appear on the calendar:
• Mothers Day
• Girl Scouts Day
• Good Samaritan Day
• Incredible Kid Day
Now, with all that behind me, please allow me to sort of wonder out loud about another reason to celebrate this March. Recently I had an opportunity to attend a crafts festival sponsored by St. Stephen, that hosted professionals and amateurs who work in photography, painting, cloth and leather, ceramics and jewelry. This took lots of time and coordination between and among a number of volunteers. There was the pleasure in seeing success come from all the effort, but not much in the way of any “special recognition.”
On the same day, a CPR course was being run in the Parish Hall. Here were gathered heath care professionals, who with the help of members of our care giving team, were training people of all ages (and there were young people present) to save lives in emergency situations. I don’t see a day set aside to single out these volunteers for recognition.
The more I thought about it, my mind went to all of our members who work Saturdays and Sundays during services to assist with communion and the readings. What about those who offer up their voices in the choir (which, happily seems to be growing), as well the emerging bell choir. This summer will see all manner of volunteers stepping up to help with the various programs offered to members and non-members.
I’m thinking, the list could go on and one (pot luck suppers, Sunday School teachers and assistants, those who spruce up the campus with fresh plants and mulch). Actually, it’s difficult to list them all. Too many to enumerate, without missing or forgetting some (unintentionally).
Well…what’s my point?
We spend lots of time creating days for tons of crazy and often meaningless events and groups and things. I’m asking all who read this to make March 2011 an entire month in which we put our focus on those worthy of recognition: St. Stephen Volunteers. Without them, we’d sink. Without them, lots would go undone. Without them, we wouldn’t be the community we’ve come to be – and will grow to become.
Congratulations VOLUNTEERS. March is dedicated to YOU. Thanks.
Dennis McClellan
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