This is a hard one. Respect. How often are we confronted with people, usually in authority, that we have no respect for. But because of their position of power or authority, we have to be at least "decent" around them.
Or how about the family member that takes a position on politics that we have no respect for. Or the person in church who dresses "inappropriately."
This is where we have to make the decision at some point to simply be "principled" people. Principles are characteristics you live by regardless of the circumstances. Principles with regard to people are decisions about how you will treat them regardless of their demeanor or behavior towards you. For example, the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," is a principle.
Actually, it's a good one, grounded in Jesus Great Commandment itself: Love your neighbor as yourself.
I don't know many people who when they are having a bad day and aren't engaging their relationships all that well still don't want to be treated with dignity and respect. Treating each other with dignity and respect affirms the essential humanity we have in each other, and acknowledges that many of us have bad days. Heck, many of us have bad years. The person that's not treating you or others well might be having that sort of year. In fact, your respect may be just what's needed to help the person move out of their funk.
I know when I have particularly nasty moments, the kindness of another and their non-anxiety can act as a pretty powerful mirror. When I see myself being ugly reflected back to me by them...I quickly modify my behavior as I become self-aware...aware of how I'm behaving and looking.
Respect. It's not just a virtue. It's a decision to seek love and value in all people, even the ornery ones.
Today, may your day be filled with RESPECT...both for you from others, and whether you're getting it from others or not, may it be found in you.
Peace and blessings from the Life Enrichment Center in Leesburg.
Pastor Nathan
Hi Pastor,
I oftentimes struggle with loving those (one person in particular) who continues to degrade me when the opportunity arises. I become very angry and hurt. 1 Peter 3:8-9 says "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing." It's extremely tough to love and respect the verbally abusive behavior, however, this scripture tells me that I have a lot of work ahead of me so that maybe one day I can have that missing peace from within. I hope this makes sense. Anyway, thanks for your blogs, they are awesome, just like you!
Cindy C.
This is hard stuff. I want to point out what I think is a space of strength that lies between accepting abuse and causing harm in return. I think respect emanates from a love for self and others...and that means that while it will respect the good in the "abusive" other, it refuses to tolerate it...and will not allow you to stay in situations where harm continues to be visited upon you. To do so would be something other than "respect" either for yourself or for the abusive other.
Thanks for taking the steps of courage on this journey. That you are wrestling with the scriptural vision for our lives and connecting it to the real day to day stuff you are facing is fantastic.
Keep up the good fight. You will find that you are transformed as you seek Jesus' heart of love in this situation.
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