I think I shared with you all in my first sermon of this series Rick Warren's snowflake illustration. He points out how each of these fragile delicate constructions...each absolutely unique and so temporary, when placed with other snowflakes becomes a force to be reckoned with. When together, they have the power to stop traffic!
This weekend, I preached about Jesus' vision for human community and specifically the church...that our buzz on the street not be one of division and strife, but one of love. In Paul's first and second chapters of his letter to the church at Phillipi, he challenges the church to be known for its unity and its love.
We all know we've got totally different opinions on everything. Division for us...well it's an easy thing. But like the snowflakes, we are so much better together.
This is the power of love. It creates unity not grounded in doctrines that compete and fight for primacy and often demand the death of another ideology (and sometime people). It submits to one another and reaches past boundaries and barriers and seeks out what is broken, lost, disturbed, or unreconciled.
This is our holy work Church...the vocation to love given to us in Jesus.
I look forward to seeing you all this week working at the task of loving God, neighbor, and enemy as you live your faith to Jesus.
Blessings to you on this DAY 9!
Pastor Nathan
It is my prayer that our church would continue to grow as one in unity and love for each other no matter what style of worship or music we prefer. What an awesome gift music is! What an awesome blessing it is to serve Him!
To God be the Glory.
That is the vision isn't it? I believe that we have this capacity. And I think this is our distinct future...and that our community will know us by our love.
Christ will be glorified in us!
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