At the Wednesday Night Lenten Service on March 7, 2012, St. Stephen members prayed by reflecting on the things that they believe about God. Read some of their thoughts below and spend your own time reflecting on your beliefs about God...
He loves me
He Forgives
He is not Judgmental
He looks over me
He knows my gifts and pushes me to use them
He gives me peace when I am worried
He walks with me during difficult times
He has blessed me with so many things and ask for nothing in return
* He loves me!
*He has a mission for me ( a plan)
* He will take care of my needs.
*He listens to my prayers.
**He puts people and "things" in my life for a reason.
I believe you are my friend. The person who understands me and truly knows my heart. You are the one person I can trust and turn to at any moment and you'll be there to guide me. Not with a direct answer, but whatever direction I choose you will support it because it seems to be the best.
Most of all beside my sinfulness you died for them to forgive me and give me eternal life and the belief that I have a purpose and a lot to look forward to.
* He has the greatest capacity for lover ever known or felt -- and he loves me.
* He forgives me 24/7, without me having to ask.
* He wants to be loved.
* He is not beyond being hurt. It is one my responsibilities to protect him (just as I would my earthly father).
He gives me peace. He makes me calm. He makes me feel worthy. He makes me feel loved. He takes my worry and angst. He makes me feel good about myself and everything in my life. He shows me how to appreciate and see my blessings. He gives me strength. He gives me hope. He gives me forgiveness.
Jesus is like my most trusted friend and confidant, someone who will always listen to me without judging or criticism. He is loved with the same affection I felt for my parents who gave me everything I needed to survive in this world, including my knowledge of Him. Being in his presence gives me warm peaceful inner glow and at the same time I feel the cool stimulating feeling I get from diving into the sea or walking in deep chilly forest. When I am with him I feel a part of something bigger and greater than myself, a marvelous sense of peace.
That He is my support, His love carries me through pain, sorrow and loss and his embrace tells me I am His child. He wants me as much as I want Him in my life. We are meant to be together, All His creation together.
He is patient and knows I can not learn all my lessons if I am spared the struggles. He gives me earthly purpose and sustains me to do it.
He Is.
He works with me, through me.
- He loves me
- He calms me and brings me peace
- He protects me and gives me strength
- He gets me just as I am and understands me better than what I understand myself
- He is someone who laughs and cries with me about life’s experiences
- He shows me how to love through anger and hurt
- He gives me a nudge when I need it or a good smack when I do not listen
- He is always with me even when I do not acknowledge He is there
- He is someone I wish everyone would have in their heart
- He lifts me up in my darkest hours
What I believe about God is….
· Salvation is for all
· All means all
· We cannot earn salvation
· Heaven is here and now
· God, in Jesus, is Love
· I will be resurrected with my dead loved ones
· Judgment is an accounting – undergirded by love
Faithfilled phrases:
God gives... totally.
God gave Jesus who loved totally...
Jesus knew where to go when and how to love.
Jesus listened to his father's voice and responded.
Jesus was holy - wholly shaped by his father and responsive to Him.
God cares for us.
God continues to mold and shape us.
We are his workmanship.
God is all seeing, all knowing.
During this exercise when I thought about God....I could only think about the truth that the God I know is a God of ACTION. My reflection time took me to the verbs in Luther's explanation to the Apostle's Creed (which I can still recite from memory). I noted the 'tenses' of these verbs... past, present and future.... God is a God of ACTION.
created (the world and life)
given and preserves (body, soul, abilities)
provides (all I need)
guards, and
redeemed (saves)
purchased (was victorious over sin, death, and devil)
raised (on the third day)
calls (through the and the whole church)
enlightens ..... (me and the whole church)
sanctifies and keeps (in and the whole church)
forgives (richly and daily)
will raise (me and all who trust in Jesus)
His ACTION.... enables me to
thank, praise, serve and obey (God)
be (wholly) his own, live under (His rule and authority), and serve (Jesus)
live forgiven, empowered, and resurrected lives (Spirit)
will give (eternal life... to me and all who believe)
What I believe about God is......
He is just, merciful, kind and loving
His son, Jesus, died for our sins and paid the ultimate sacrifice for us
We are his children
All who believe are forgiven and his grace sets us free
He loves us!
God is our Heavenly Father and Creator of the universe. He is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. He is loving and gracious, wanting all of us to believe in him and do his will. He sent his Son to save us from our sinfulness by dying a horrendous death and being resurrected so that we, as believers in him, may have everlasting life. Through the Holy Spirit, our faith grows. Prayer is the link to that very special God - through praise, thanksgiving, seeking forgiveness and help. He listens and most importantly, we need to listen to him. This triune God is with us always, guiding us and preparing us for eternal life. God is Love.
He loves me, warts and all
He forgives me, warts and all
He cares for me, He comforts me, He is with me
He is my rock and salvation
He gets annoyed with me and, on occasion, I get a most deserved Godsmack
He does not fail
He comes to me in whispers and thunder claps
He is patient with me
He is my All
He is kind, good and patient
He is more than awesome
Look up. Look around. Inhale. He is ever present.
He is creator.
He is my Father
He waits for me
He is infinite
He is love
Without Him, I cannot fathom being without Him, it is that simple
As a Christian I can't...
8 years ago
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