Palm Sunday, April 1st, 2012
Written by: Shirley Evans
Matthew 21: 6-11
What do you suppose Jesus was thinking on this glorious day? It is the Passover season; He has come to celebrate like so many of His fellow Jews; He is blessed; He is recognized as "Son of David" who has come to save ("Hosanna" is an appeal to God to save, see Ps. 118:25-27); He is recognized as "the prophet from Nazareth"; He is identified as fulfilling the prophesy of Zechariah 9:9 "Lo, your king comes to you… humble and riding on a donkey…"; He is given the homage of an earthly king with the spreading of cloaks and palm branches, riding on a donkey. Do you suppose He felt uplifted, honored, pleased that the Jews were finally acknowledging Him as Lord and king? I think not, He knew what was ahead. This was a triumphal day, but it was misunderstood. Do we too misunderstand and seek Jesus for misunderstood reasons? Put yourself in Jesus’ place – what would you feel; what would you do?
Dear Lord, we ask that you give us understanding – to appreciate your triumph, not only of this glorious day, but the everlasting triumph of your death and resurrection. Amen.
Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week! Can you feel the excitement building this week? Today we celebrate with Jesus the King. Hosanna! Praise to Jesus! On Palm Sunday Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a humble donkey. No one wanted him to be on the dirty ground, so they laid palm branches and coats on the ground (think a red carpet outside of the palace). What do you think Jesus felt or thought when everyone was praising him? How can you praise Jesus, the King? Go outside and find some palm branches or make a sign praising Jesus!
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