Thursday, March 15th, 2012
Written by: Margene Wampole
Reading: Matthew 27:11-26
"Are you the Messiah?" asks Pilate. "Yes, it is as you say," Jesus answers. Then he remains silent through all the accusations. He had already said what there was to say. It was not what this crowd wanted to hear. They expected their King, Messiah, to free them from the Romans, not ask them to love one another.
How often we reject a message, a person or an idea because it does not fit our expectations! Being open to change, seeing possibilities for a different way of behavior, putting away violence in favor of offering conciliation and peace is radical indeed and an affront to the judgmental. Jesus asks that we love others as He loves us; treat others as we want to be treated. That was what they hated in Him.
Lord, fill our hearts and minds with your healing grace that we might set aside our rejection of those who differ from us and be open to finding reconciliation and common ground. We ask in the name of Jesus, our Teacher and Messiah. Amen.
Lord, fill our hearts and minds with your healing grace that we might set aside our rejection of those who differ from us and be open to finding reconciliation and common ground. We ask in the name of Jesus, our Teacher and Messiah. Amen.
Jesus was guilty of no crimes, but the crowd wanted him crucified. Pontious Pilate could have spoken up and set Jesus free. Instead, he listened to the crowds and sent Jesus off to be crucified. Are there people in the world who need someone to speak up for them? Consider taking action to speak up for those without voices (consider writing a letter via Amnesty International www.amnestyusa.org or sponsoring a child in Haiti via Haitian Timon Foundation for $30/month).
Loving God, thank you for the people in our lives who stand up for us. Thank you for Jesus who "stood up" for all humanity on the cross. Help us to speak for those who have no voice. Amen.
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