Sunday, March 4th, 2012
Written by: Char Klima
Reading: Genesis 33: 1-11
Jacob’s narrative is a story of contrasts. This line from a nursery rhyme comes to mind: When he was good, he was very good; but when he was bad, he was horrid. More importantly, the story illustrates the clear contrast between erratic human behavior and God’s enduring love.
The chief dispenser of God-like grace here is Esau. He did everything right, only to lose his inheritance when Jacob deceived their blind father. Later Jacob served his father-in-law faithfully for many years, but eventually did some shenanigans in that situation too.
In today’s text Jacob is headed for a confrontation with Esau and rightfully expects the worst. Jacob puts his servants out in front and hides his favorite wife and son in the most secure position. To his credit, Jacob does take the lead. And to his great surprise, Esau runs to meet Jacob and kisses him. How like God! When we least deserve and expect a warm reception, our God overwhelms us with His love!
Thank you, God, for loving us at our best and at our worst. You are indeed an awesome God! Amen.
Jacob and Esau, twin brothers, have an interesting history. As the first born, Esau claimed the birthright and all of their father’s inheritance. But Jacob was born holding on to his brother’s heel! Jacob later tricks Esau out of his father’s inheritance, leaving Esau with nothing and Jacob with everything. After spending many years apart, the brothers are reunited. Jacob thought that Esau would have anger towards his brother. But in verse 4 we see that Esau ran towards his brother and embraced him, forgiving him. Is it difficult or easy to forgive? When have you been forgiven? Is there someone whom you need to forgive?
Gracious Lord, thank you for forgiving us. We make good AND bad choices every day. Help us to forgive those who have hurt us and help us to realize when we hurt others. AMEN.
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