Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
Written by: Lou Shives
Reading: Matthew 26: 55-56
This scripture is just one example of the frailty of believers. Although the apostles knew of the dangers related to their association with Christ, they vowed to die rather than to forsake their Master. When Jesus was arrested, He said that He could call for thousands of angels to protect them and they would be sent instantly. However, the apostles were suddenly overcome with panic and fled. What anguish our Savior must have felt as His friends abandoned Him!
Reflect on any promises or resolutions you have made to God. How have you fulfilled them? It is one thing to pledge to do something but another to actually follow through with the promise. If we fail to live up to our promises, like the apostles, we forsake our Savior, and we crucify Him again.
Holy Spirit, keep me from so shameful a deed. Help me to be bold as a lion as I profess and live out my resolutions to my Savior who promises never to abandon me. Amen
Holy Spirit, keep me from so shameful a deed. Help me to be bold as a lion as I profess and live out my resolutions to my Savior who promises never to abandon me. Amen
Every day Jesus was in public teaching people in the temples. Jesus was popular, everyone knew where to find him. But when the religious leaders decided to have Jesus arrested, they waited until he was in the Garden, without crowds around him. They came to arrest Jesus with swords and clubs, but Jesus was the Prince of Peace. Jesus did not need to be restrained by force (they did not have to hit him). Jesus accepted what was to happen and went peacefully. Jesus is a living example of grace! He did not deserve the punishment or humiliation of being arrested like this, but Jesus accepted it. Thank Jesus for being such a peaceful example for us.
Prince of Peace, thank you for setting a peaceful example for us. Thank you for being arrested and dying on the cross, so that we may live. Help us to live at peace with others. AMEN.
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