Monday, March 26th, 2012
Written by: Evelyn Nasworthy
Reading: Mark 10:23-27
In the book of Mark, we are told that wealthy people cannot enter the kingdom of God on their own merits. I mean, I never saw a camel walk through the eye of a needle, have you? Then the passage goes on to say "mortals can’t….but for God." Hmmmmmm.
I used to think, when I was younger, that our good deeds and living a life of giving and sharing would earn my way to heaven. After much studying, listening to sermons, and reading, my thoughts on that subject have changed. As the words in Mark state: "For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are possible." I certainly don’t believe that if you are wealthy you won’t get into heaven… but you can’t buy your way in. Neither can the poor or underprivileged suffer and "get in" that way. Nope! It isn’t up to us at all. Thank goodness for God’s grace.
It really does make you think about it. If you can’t "take it with you" why not share what you have. Put some of that wealth where it will do others some good too. Buy that extra box or two of Girl Scout cookies or that bag of pop corn from the Boy Scouts. They are working toward a goal and your wealth is helping them. Those clothes hanging in the closet you no longer wear…donate them to Goodwill or another group. Share…it really feels good.
Some wealth is in the form of your talents. Share those with others and you, too, "share the wealth". We are so blessed.
Thank you for all of our blessings and wealth, Lord. Amen
Thank you for all of our blessings and wealth, Lord. Amen
Today’s bible verse tells us all things are possible with God. Why is it so difficult for us to remember this? Could it be our need to be in control? Today, when things just don’t go your way, pray and remember who’s really in the driver’s seat. All things are possible with God!
Jesus, help us to remember to lean on you and encourage our families to do the same. AMEN.
Jesus, help us to remember to lean on you and encourage our families to do the same. AMEN.
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