Saturday, March 31st, 2012
Written by: Cyd Law
Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5: 9-11
In this epistle Paul is writing to the church in Thessalonica. Most of their members were Greek Gentiles who had previously been pagan worshipers. He was encouraging them to continue in the ways that he had taught them: to stay pure, live in the light of the teachings of God and Jesus, and help one another. Now over 2000 years later our job description as Christians has not changed. We are still charged with loving God, staying pure, living in the light of the teachings of God and Christ, and loving our neighbor. Pastor Nathan is just like Paul when he reminds us that our job is to love God, love people and make disciples. We need to take theses directions to heart and follow through.
Dear God,
You are reminding us that as your disciples our job is to love you, love people and make disciples. We are weak sinful people but we know that with your help and guidance we will be able to do what you command of us. Walk with us and guide our ways as we become your hands and feet on earth. Amen
Dear God,
You are reminding us that as your disciples our job is to love you, love people and make disciples. We are weak sinful people but we know that with your help and guidance we will be able to do what you command of us. Walk with us and guide our ways as we become your hands and feet on earth. Amen
God does not have wrath (strong anger) against us, God just wants to be in relationship with us! This passage tells us to encourage each other. How do you encourage the different members of your family? Take a moment for everyone to say something kind and encouraging about each member of the family. Then, find a way to share your encouraging thoughts with the people you encounter each day: friends, teachers, classmates, co-workers, etc.
Gracious God, you are always loving us and encouraging us. Help us to show your love with the world by being an encourager. Most of all, help us to start by being encouraging to our own family. AMEN.
Gracious God, you are always loving us and encouraging us. Help us to show your love with the world by being an encourager. Most of all, help us to start by being encouraging to our own family. AMEN.
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