Wednesday, March 7th, 2012
Written by: Elaine Cornelius
Reading: Philippians 2: 5-8
Humbling ourselves is not something that is discussed much these days. It is more common to build ourselves up. There are huge self help sections in bookstores to show us how. We work to raise self esteem and we often place people on pedestals from which they will eventually fall. Yet, we are asked to be obedient to God. We are instructed to give up our own will and live to fulfill the will of God. We are called to be like Jesus who stepped down from the highest reaches to bring us up from the deepest depths so that we might have eternal life.
I was given a wonderful piece of advice from a friend to "just listen." Sometimes that is really hard to do. We get so wrapped up in our own ideas that we can’t see the truth: someone else may have a better way. In our arrogance, we dismiss other people’s ideas; deciding they have less value than our own. When we are called on it, we may chalk up our assumed superiority to our humanness. Yet, the Lord God of all chose to take on the form of a common man and walk among us. He came not as a member of the elite, but as one that would experience hardship and be in service of others. Christ chose to give up the glory to which He is entitled and then made Himself obedient not only to death, but the most despicable, torturous death humans could devise. He chose God’s will over His own. Am I willing to do the same?
Let us Pray,
Lord, I thank you for Your willingness to humble Yourself, to die for us, to create for us the pathway back to You. I ask that You teach me humility that I may be of service to You. Amen
Jesus came to earth and served others. He never thought of Himself, He always put the needs of others first. Jesus sacrificed His life for us. Sacrificing is a very hard thing to do; it is much easier to think of yourself first, get what you want. Today, make a sacrifice. Give something away, do without something. Talk with your family to think of some ways to sacrifice.
God, thank you for Your Son Jesus. Thank you for all the sacrifices You made to save us. Help me to think of others before myself and be more like You. AMEN
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