Tuesday, March 13th, 2012
Written by: Nancy Ulerich
Reading: Psalms 32: 4-7
As Roberta Flack sang, "Killing me softly with his psalm…" David does that to me all the time. I have come to conclude that I have no original feelings; they are all old feelings that all of God’s creation, shaped to love God and experience being loved by God, feel as we progress along our journey.
Psalm 32 depicts the anguish of coming to know the extent of our incompleteness and the relief and joy of knowing that we can repent and be forgiven.
Let us Pray
Dear Father, this Lenten season, gently guide us to deeper understandings of our iniquities. Let the joy and gratefulness in knowing that our iniquities are forgiven power us onward - having hearts more like the heart of Jesus, spreading your love through our lives. Amen.
Dear Father, this Lenten season, gently guide us to deeper understandings of our iniquities. Let the joy and gratefulness in knowing that our iniquities are forgiven power us onward - having hearts more like the heart of Jesus, spreading your love through our lives. Amen.
Today our topic is about confessing our sin. Sin is the thing that separates us from God. To demonstrate confession and forgiveness, write a word on piece of paper (in pencil) and spell it wrong. When the kids tell you the word is spelled wrong, just cover it up with your hand and ask "is that word fixed?" No, of course not! So erase the word and spell it correctly. When we confess our sins God erases them and helps us to spell it correctly!
God, forgiver of all sins, thank you for loving us despite our sin. Forgive me Lord for ….(confess your sin, either in quiet or out loud). Help me to start new! AMEN
God, forgiver of all sins, thank you for loving us despite our sin. Forgive me Lord for ….(confess your sin, either in quiet or out loud). Help me to start new! AMEN
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