Monday, December 23, 2013

Advent Devotion - Day 23

DECEMBER 23 – Matthew 2: 7-12

By: Elaine Cornelius

Those who know of Jesus’ birth almost surely have also heard of the magi. They are familiar participants in the story, but no one is certain who they were, where they came from, or how many there really were. Those things weren’t recorded. What we do know is that they traveled a long distance and Herod took an interest in destroying what they were seeking. Herod summoned them so they HAD to go to him. It wasn’t a choice. After they met with Herod, they continued their journey. As they had on so many nights, they saw the star at its rising and “when they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.” Again, they were filled with the wonder of this star that “went before them.” It led them right to Christ.

If the star could lead men from a faraway land to the Christ child, why didn’t Herod simply send someone to follow it as well? Maybe it was hidden from him or, possibly, he was afraid. Perhaps, he simply chose not to see the miracle. The Light had come. Even the heavens had to proclaim it. Herod was living in darkness, and he missed the wonder of God’s Light.

One of my favorite Christmas songs is simply titled “The Star.” It notes “the light, shining from that star, will show you who you are and this light, shining with its might, will lead you through your darkest night.” Jesus is that Light and Christ will lead us through our night no matter how bad, how dark things appear.

Lord, please help us to know the wonder, the awe the magi felt as they saw the star and knew it would lead them to You. Let Your Light show us not only who we are, but lead us to discover more fully who You are. Amen.

Family Moment
The Wise Men had arrived! The star had stopped over the town of Bethlehem. What was their reaction? They rejoiced with exceeding great joy! What does it mean to rejoice? When have you felt joy? What is the difference in being happy and having joy? (Happiness is fleeting but joy is sustained regardless of the situation). Give thanks and rejoice to God.

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