Monday, December 9, 2013

Advent Devotional - December 9

DECEMBER 9 – Ruth 1: 1-18

By: Elaine Cornelius

Countless weddings use a portion of this passage to show the fullness of the couple’s devotion to one another. This passage is the story of how two people created a family, choosing to care for each other in ways that were neither required nor expected in their time. It was then (as it is now) a huge decision to leave everything you know behind and walk with someone throughout their life’s journey, even unto death. Ruth chose to take this journey, to care for, love and honor Naomi no matter what happened or where life took them. She was willing to believe. She had faith Naomi’s God would carry them safely as they traveled life’s path together. She was willing to open her heart and live in faith.

Joseph was chosen to accept and raise a son who was not his own child, but God’s. He was asked to have faith in Mary, himself, in God and God’s plan for their lives. He knew it meant he had to be “all in.” There is no halfway in following God. Joseph had to be willing to go wherever God sent them Bethlehem, Egypt, Galilee or anywhere else God directed. He also had to be willing to stretch and grow spiritually; allowing God to take his heart and spirit to the new Covenant he was making with His people. Joseph, in faith, chose to make Mary and Jesus his family for the rest of his life. He knew it would require him to give every bit of himself to the life he was called to live. He also knew he could rely on God to be there through it all.

We are part of God’s chosen family. The Lord is with us wherever we go. He will stay with us wherever we are. We are God’s people. And God is our God. May our love and devotion to Him grow as we go in faith all the days of our lives.


Lord, help me to go wherever you go, stay wherever You stay, make Your people my people and focus on You, my God, as we prepare our hearts once again to celebrate Christ coming to walk our path with us. Amen.

Family Moment

Ruth chose to stay with Naomi and make Naomi her family. What do you think it takes to be a family? When we join together in faith, we become brothers and sisters in Christ. Think of some things you can do to let others know we are part of God’s family?

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