December 10, 2009
READING: Matthew 11:25-30
At that time Jesus said, “I thank you , Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.
Matthew 11: 25-26
Advent is a time of waiting and preparation as we do all the things to get ready for Christmas. Decorating, shopping, Christmas Cards etc.
I have a memory of a Christmas long ago when we had three little boys under four years of age. We unloaded the boxes of ornaments and decorated our tree, with unbreakable ornaments for the boys to place on lower branches as we sang carols. Then the newest addition, our crèche scene, made with molded rubber figures easy for little hands to hold. As the older boys set up the crèche under the tree and the baby watched, Dan told Mike the Christmas story and the part of each figure and animal.
In the coming days the boys prepared presents for all members of the family, colorful pictures, clay creations and home baked cookies lovingly decorated. Carol singing and the crèche scene held their focus as the boys hopped each figure over to see the empty manger many times a day.
Early Christmas morning we awakened to the strains of Happy Birthday Baby Jesus! Our not quite four year old and two year old were delighted to see the Baby Jesus in His manger and were welcoming Him. We gathered up the baby and joined them singing. Then our oldest reminded us that Jesus shared presents with EVERYONE on His birth day!
The quiet simplicity and focus on the birth of the Holy Babe makes Christmas. May the serenity, joy and peace of Christmas be with us as we prepare for the birth of our Savior and let it dwell in our hearts all year.
Heavenly Father, as we prepare for the coming of your Son, let us focus on the simple joys and peace that Christmas brings and keep them in our hearts. Amen.
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