December 17, 2009
READING: Jeremiah 31:31-34
The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant that I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt..”
Jeremiah 31: 31-32a
Show Me
I was born in St. Louis, Missouri, "the show me state." I don't know about you, but I sure am glad that I am a child of the New Testament. I don't have to be told to wait until the time that God will fulfill his promises. No, I live in a time where the promises told of in this text in Jeremiah have come true. God did, indeed show me His love for me and all mankind in the sending of his Son to come to earth and take our yoke of sin upon Himself so that I might have my sins "remembered no more."
The amazing promise that the Christ child represents to us is that of a world of humanity living in the glorious promise of rebirth...a rebirth that comes daily knowing that our sin is forgiven...period. That's what God tells us here in Jeremiah. What joy there is in knowing forgiveness.
But beyond that, God tells us that the rebirth in forgiveness means that He will "remember our sins no more." They're gone! Washed away! Amazing grace.
Jeremiah 31: 31-32a
Show Me
I was born in St. Louis, Missouri, "the show me state." I don't know about you, but I sure am glad that I am a child of the New Testament. I don't have to be told to wait until the time that God will fulfill his promises. No, I live in a time where the promises told of in this text in Jeremiah have come true. God did, indeed show me His love for me and all mankind in the sending of his Son to come to earth and take our yoke of sin upon Himself so that I might have my sins "remembered no more."
The amazing promise that the Christ child represents to us is that of a world of humanity living in the glorious promise of rebirth...a rebirth that comes daily knowing that our sin is forgiven...period. That's what God tells us here in Jeremiah. What joy there is in knowing forgiveness.
But beyond that, God tells us that the rebirth in forgiveness means that He will "remember our sins no more." They're gone! Washed away! Amazing grace.
Heavenly Father,
This advent, as we look forward to the celebration of Christ's birth, let the baby Jesus remind us of the simple grace in which God offers us eternal forgiveness and eternal life. We only need to come to His manager, know Him and take the gift. Amen.
This advent, as we look forward to the celebration of Christ's birth, let the baby Jesus remind us of the simple grace in which God offers us eternal forgiveness and eternal life. We only need to come to His manager, know Him and take the gift. Amen.
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