December 12, 2009
READING: John 10:14-15
“ I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—-- just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—- and I lay down my life for the sheep.”
John 10: 14-15
The image of the Shepherd is present from the beginning of Jesus’ life. It is Shepherd’s watching their flock at night who spot the star that leads them to the manager that Jesus is born in. I find great imagery in the fact that Shepherds don’t leave their flock to go find baby Jesus but bring them along to witness this miracle. In fact, I think it speaks to the heart of ministry. Normal every day people leading their flock to Jesus. Is this not what we are supposed to do as Christians? So at first we have ordinary people bringing a flock to Jesus, but quickly the tides turn as Jesus becomes the Shepherd and we become his flock. In John 10 Jesus speaks of being the good Shepherd. He does not leave his flock; in fact the good Shepard will risk his life for the flock. And of course Jesus, not only risks his life for us, he gives his life for us, so that we may have life through him.
Jesus is truly the good Shepherd, and who wouldn’t want to be a part of his flock; the part of a flock who’s Shepherd will die for you. So this time of year we recognize the birth of this good Shepherd and we remember the Shepherds who visited this baby on his birth. But we shouldn’t just remember and recognize this; we should share this with those around us. Just like those first Shepherds who brought their flock to Jesus, we too can bring people to Jesus. We can do this because we have the best news around; we have the good Shepherd…the Best Shepherd who will and has died for us so that we will have life! Merry Christmas and God Bless!
Almighty Father, keep us ever mindful of what you have done for us, in bringing the Good Shepherd to die for us. Show us how to be shepherds too who bring people to our flock. We are so blessed by you. Amen.
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