Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Advent Devotional - 5th Day

Thursday, December 1st, 2011

Written by: Peter Lund

Readings: Genesis 12:1-7, 15:1-6

One thing that has always fascinated me is any character who is referenced once in the Bible; these were real people, with dynamic personalities and their own life story, yet all that remains of them is a passing reference. They are not accorded the complete life histories like Abraham, David, or any of the other “big hitters” – they simply get one reference, as if that’s all we ever find out about their lives. This Eliezer of Damascus is one such character.
No matter how Eliezer felt about the situation, the story did not play out in a way in which he was involved. Had Abraham not become a father, the biblical story would have ended right there: Some guy named Eliezer inherits Abraham’s assets, lives out his life, and dies. The end. Instead, God has other plans, and ultimately, through Abraham’s son Isaac, the genealogy plays out the results in David, and ultimately, Jesus. I’m sure Eliezer would not have had any idea what was to transpire; all that he saw was a situation in which the inheritance he thought he would be receiving was ultimately redirected. Sometimes, I think, this is how events transpire in our own lives - we don’t get what we want, we don’t get what we feel is “our due,” but ultimately there may be a larger story playing out - one that we cannot even fathom. How do we respond in these situations? Assuming Eliezer is the unnamed servant in Genesis 24, he appears to be more devoted to Abraham than ever, and helps him find a wife for Isaac. He didn’t get what he wanted, but he rolled with the punches, and served his “master” as faithfully as he always had before; if we are able to do the same in our own lives, and be devoted to our TRUE master no matter what events transpire, I believe the bigger story, in which we are all important players, becomes more clear to us all.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to see beyond my own selfish desires, and help me to keep the big picture in focus, knowing that you have a plan; help me to trust fully in You. Amen.

Family Moments:

Thursday: Week 1, Abraham The Promise, Field of Stars
God tells Abraham he is blessed to be a blessing to others (Gen 12:2). With what has God blessed you that God can use to bless others? Is it a beautiful singing voice, or other artistic talent? Is it plenty of food or toys? Identify a blessing for each family member that could be used to bless someone else. Color the ornament and add it to your Jesse Tree.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Advent Devotional - 4th Day

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

Written by: Char Klima

Reading: Genesis 6:11-22, 7:17 - 8:12, 20-9:17

Genesis is a book about relationship. God is Creator-in-Chief and we are His creation. It's when we try to swap positions that we run into trouble. God instructs. God disciplines. God loves and works with His creation as a potter with his most precious clay. In the midst of disaster God always makes sure a remnant of creation in which He has so much invested survives. Noah and his family represent a remnant that showed potential, and the flood story with its rainbow ending is God's continuing story of salvation.

God used a beautiful rainbow to confirm the Divine side of this first in a series of covenant promises revealed throughout the Bible. We as Noah's descendants are part of the salvation story. The rainbow pales in comparison to the glorious light of Christ who brought the ultimate promise of salvation to all creation. Thanks be to God.

Let us pray:
Let our sacrifice of praise rise to you, O Lord. You alone sustain us through the floods of this present journey and bring us safely to your side. Amen

Family Moments:

Wednesday: Week 1, Noah The Flood, Rainbow or Ark
In today’s story, we learned that the rainbow is a reminder that God will never again destroy the earth with a flood. Rainbows point to heaven to remind us that God is faithful. After dark and rainy times, we always see the rainbow as a reminder of God’s love for us. Today, make a card for someone who is having a dark and rainy time in their life to remind them of God’s love. Color the ornament and add it to your Jesse Tree.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Advent Devotional - 3rd Day

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

Written by: Barbara Hauck

Reading: Genesis 2:4 - 3:24

This is the familiar story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. We all know how they were tempted by the serpent, gave in to that temptation and disobeyed God by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God confronts them. Adam blames Eve and Eve blames the serpent – and God punishes them all.

This is a vivid and colorful story. We can relate to Adam and Eve, because we know what it is like to make a mistake and our human nature often leads us to try to find some excuse “for what we have done, or for what we have left undone.” And, those of us who are parents can certainly relate to God’s angry response.

But the important point for us to take away from the story of Adam and Eve is that God is faithful to us, no matter what - even when we mess up badly. God did not give up on them, just as He has not and will not give up on us. So, this story points us towards Jesus our Savior, and God’s plan for salvation.

Let us Pray:
Lord, thank you for accepting us as we are and for giving us the gift of your Son Jesus Christ. Amen

Family Moments:

Tuesday: Week 1, Adam and Eve, The First Sin, Tree with Fruit or Apple
Why did Adam and Eve do something they knew was wrong? What bad choices have you made that you knew you shouldn’t? Isn’t it great that God loves us no matter what choices we make! What was the punishment Eve thought she would receive from eating the fruit?(Death, see Gen 3:3). In reality, the real consequence was much less severe (Gen 3:16-24.)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Advent Devotional - 2nd Day

Monday, November 28th, 2011

Reading: Genesis 1:1 - 2:3

Written by: Barbara Reynolds

"And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good."

As I read the headlines and listen to the news I often wonder what is good about today's world. There is so much hate, greed and misuse of the resources God gave man dominion over. And yet, with every new sunrise I sense God moving over the surface of the deep and I feel God's Spirit filling the void. With the birth of Jesus, the light is spread and we are again separated from the darkness and I can clearly see that it was and it is "very good".

Let Us Pray:
Let the light and love of Jesus spread over the trials of daily living and shine for the world to see. Amen

Family Moments:

Monday: Week 1, God, Creation, the Dove
When God created everything, God put human beings to care for the earth and everything in it. How does your family do a good job of caring for the earth? What more could your family do to care for the earth (save electricity, recycle, help animals in need, etc?). Make a plan to be conscious of God’s creation this Advent season. (If available, watch Disney’s “The Lion King “ and note how the pride lands were destroyed when Scar was ruler, compared to the vitality of the pride lands under Mufasa or Simba’s rule. Discuss the difference in caring for the earth and the delicate balance of the circle of life.) Color the ornament and add it to your Jesse Tree.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Advent Devotions: First Day of Advent

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Reading: 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Isaiah 11:1-10

In the 1 Samuel lesson, God has directed Samuel to find the new King of Israel. After looking over Jesse’s seven sons, God finally directs Samuel to find the new King in a young shepherd boy named David. After generations, a new King – Jesus – will be one of David’s descendants. He also is of humble origin and Jesus rises to the greatest of power, power over death. He is the bringer of peace.

God chooses and judges by the heart and spirit rather than as the world would choose or judge. God uses the lowly and humble to lead the world and to show his glory.

Lord, we are thankful that you see past our surface into our hearts and that you can use our weaknesses to show your power. We pray that your peace and glory are shown to the world as we await the birthday of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Family Moments:
First Sunday: Introduction of the Jesse Tree, The Tree

The Jesse tree has its base as a stump. The lineage of Christ – the Savior of the world – comes from an ordinary family! Go outside and collect sticks, representing the stump, for all of the members of your family. Share with each other how God is using each member of your family for good in the world. Color the ornament and add it to your Jesse Tree.

Advent Devotional - Theme & Intro: The Jesse Tree

This Advent Season our theme is “Home for the Holidays”. We have many wonderful holiday traditions that we follow. The Jesse Tree is an ancient tradition that we are resurrecting this year. We will base our devotions on the Jesse Tree scriptures readings that come from this tradition. Each weekend our children will place ornaments on a tree that represents symbols used in the ancient days. Ornament packets will be given to the children to color at home and will be available for adults too. Match the ornaments pictured with each devotion to the ornament packet you or your child were given.

The picture above is a replica of a Jesse Tree. Jesse was the father of David, who was blessed by the prophets to establish a royal family. One thousand years later, Jesus was born of this royal line in Bethlehem. The Jesse Tree is the family tree of Jesus. It tells the story of His lineage through symbols and readings from scripture, one for each day of Advent. Over the next 29 days we will post the devotions written by our own members who will inspire you with their thoughts. May you be blessed through these scriptures & devotions as Advent unfolds and the celebration of Christ’s birth becomes a reality.

God’s Peace