Friday, September 28, 2012

Growth in Giving - Day 33

September 27, 2012

"13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?"  14 And they said, "some say John the Baptist, but other Elijah, and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets."  15 He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?: 16 Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God."  17 And Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah?  For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you , but my Father in heaven.  18And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rick I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.  19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."  20 Then he sternly ordered the disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah." 
Matthew 16: 13-20

Matthew 16:18-19 stands as the conclusion to Jesus teaching about the 'confession of faith' we hold and the response we make to that faith-filled confession. (Read Matthew 16: 13-20) Once Peter's confession of faith is made, Jesus blesses and directs that faith into discipleship - disciplined action.  It seem that we as disciples, followers of Jesus, hold some power in the discipleship process.  We, apparently, hold the key to either restrict (to bind) or to unlock (to loose) God's reign or influence in the world in which we live.  It begs the question, "Are we 'binder' or 'loosers' of God's reign among us?  Are we desiring for God's love to be bound or loosed on earth...and in heaven?"

One wise pastor once wrote.  " love in a storable and exchangeable form."  That definition freed me to ask the members of the congregation I was serving at the time to take out their pocketbooks, hold them in their hands, and then to exchange them with another congregational member sitting nearby.  A nervous chatter was heard around the sanctuary, making very evident the uncomfortable feelings that most were experiencing as they complied with my request.  That 'uncomfortable feeling' became a starting point for realizing the power we hold and wield with our money, our 'love in a storable and exchangeable form.'

We are being asked as members of SSLC to enter into this 'uncomfortable feeling' we experience as we consider our own use of the 'money' gifts that God has showered upon us.  We are being asked to consider how we are either restricting or freeing-up these gifts in God's world around us.  I encourage each of us to enter into this process, to do the stewardship math, and to prayerfully open our pocketbooks and consider increasing the 'love' gifts we share through SSLC and the the glory of God and the extension of God's kingdom.  May God bless this 'uncomfortable' stewardship work.

Lord, You have revealed your grace in Jesus and blessed his teaching among us.  Help us through the uncomfortable feelings we experience as we do the hard work of being 'good stewards' of Your gifts and free us up to be generous in our giving.  In Jesus' name. Amen.

Author:  Rev. Bruce M. Hobert

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Growth in Giving - Day 32

September 26, 2012

"One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. "  Proverbs 11:24

At one point and time in your life you will realize that the more you give to God the better your life will be.  I did not experience this until I was nearly 50.  Things were going extremely well in my life and I would give but God was not the priority. I was the one who would pay for dinner, help out with a loan, buy the big gifts, pay for vacations, have the latest gadgets etc., etc.

I thought I had everything I wanted, a great career and a wonderful supporting family.  I could travel to where I wanted, I purchased a building because business was growing and we needed more room, I was remodeling the house because I could.  Then I received a very powerful God Smack!  The person I trusted with my business took me to the cleaners, I had contractors take me for a ride, business started getting soft and during all of this both of my parents passed.  I was not in line with God at that time.  I loved God and know he would take care of me but I was not spiritually in line with God.  I let my career and the stressses of life get in the way of living.  For over a year I could not take a salary and being a business owner I could not draw unemployment.  Collection agencies were calling; I had to sell my car and then came the threat of foreclosure and bankruptcy.  I did something at the urging of my Aunt and got down on my knees in prayer and I stayed there.  I started lining myself up with God.  I came back to church and attended worship services, got involved with a small group and several ministries at St. Stephen, I engulfed myself in God and laid my stress at the cross.

When I first came back to St. Stephen I did not have anything to give, there was not money.  I would cringe every time there was a talk about tithing and the Capital Campaign; it hurt to walk by the offering plate without giving.  But each day I became more in line with God and found my stress was less, my spirit was calmer and I opened my eyes to the many daily blessings from God.  The business got stronger, I avoided foreclosure and bankruptcy and nearly a year later I was able to pay myself again.  The first line item on my new budget was my tithe.  Within weeks we went into our current Capital Campaign and I was able to pledge!  God's blessings are so abundant and life has so much more meaning for me now.  A friend suggested to me that I should cut back on my giving and I would be able to recover much faster.  My response him was how can I not give to God, he has blessed me with what I have.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the abundant blessings you bestow on us daily.  Please open our hearts and our minds to Growth and Giving so together we can better serve as your hands and feet.  Amen.

Author:  Maddie Sutphin

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Growth in Giving - Day 31

September 25, 2012

"The generous soul will itself be made prosperous and the one freely watering others will himself also be freely watered."  Proverbs 11:25

I went to a Willow Creek seminar several years ago and was struck by this analongy.  If you hold on to what you have, your hands are in a closed position and you cannot receive the generosity of a loving God.  But if you open your hands, trust in Him and let go of your worldly security blanket, you will be open to God's gifts.  Try it - close your hands into a fist and see what can penetrate.  Not much.  Now open them and feel the Spirit flowing through you fingers.

The catch to this verse is to give freely, but be careful not to give because you expect to receive.  When we give generously of our time and resources, we should expect nothing in return.  For me, giving just feels good.

In our last capital campaign, hundreds pledged and gave, and we have seen the physical result - a beautiful new Community Life Center.  Now we need to fill that center and our church with a new vision.  Harder to see, yes, not brick and mortar, but it will feel just as good.

This has been my church for over 30 years and I have never been prouder of my church family than I am today.  We have a synergy and commitment that I am confident will make this next campaign even more successful, and then we'll move on again, growing in God's grace.

Dear God, please bless this St. Stephen community as we embark on yet another step in our journey of faith.  Let us STAND UP IN FAITH and be thankful for all the blessings you give us every day.  Amen

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Growth in Giving - Day 30

September 24, 2012

"Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.  For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability.  Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privelege of sharing in this service to the saints."  2 Corinthians 8:2-5

What a statement for Paul to make that the Macedonian churches had pleaded and urgently pleaded to have the privelege of sharing in service to the saints.   Reading this made me stop and think about whether I consider giving a privilege.  It reminded me of a  story book a friend gave me in memory of my mother.  My mother always wore hats and gave a smile to everyone she met.  In Miss Fannie's Hat, Miss Fannie is asked to give one of her hats to the church to auction in order to fix the church before Easter.  She had many hats and after praying to the Lord like he was right there she felt led to give away her favorite hat.  She would have preferred to have given any of her others but she knew her pink hat with the flowers would raise the most money.  As she began to think of all that could be done because of her favorite hat she becamem excited about giving.  Of course, enough money was raised to fix the church and landscape with pink flowers that looked just like her hat.

I can remember times that I wondered if I really needed to give what God had asked for but every time I did I was blessed with a wonderful peace.  I just pray I can be more like the giver Paul speaks of and plead for the opportunity to give, for when we give, we grow.

Dear Lord, Thank ou for all you have given us.  Help us to give freely and willingly in all we do.  Give us the insight to do your will in our giving and bless all those who give and who receive.  In Christ's name we pray.  Amen.

Author:  Susan Wollner

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Growth in Giving - Day 29

September 23, 2012

"Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be."
Matthew 6:21

The treasure referred to in Matthew 6:21 is what we should build up in heaven.  Our treasures on earth can be destroyed or stolen.  In heaven, our treasures are safe; they cannot be taken away from us.  The thing is, we have to build our treasure in heaven while we are still on earth.  It is very easy for us to want more; a bigger house, a faster car, a grander vacation.  These all sound great, but they serve no purpose beyond earth.  The way we can build treasures in heaven are by giving of ourselves on earth.  We have many gifts to give; money, time, love, attention.  The more we give of ourselves the easier it is to give.  We can all find a few minutes to give attention to someone that is lonely.  We can all spend some time helping someone.  We can all find a few dolloars or cents to give to our church or to help homeless.  The point is, the gifts we have are our treasure.  What we spend our treasure on make all the difference.

Thank you God for all the gifts you have given each of us.  Thank you for giving us the opportunities to use our gifts to help others, to improve situations, or to simply show we care.  Be with us in our times of doubt, when we aren't sure where our gifts can best be used.  Help us to see the good we can do with our gifts.  Remind us that spending our gifts on earth builds our treasure in heaven.  Amen

Author:  Charlie Barnard

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Recognizing Our Need to Give - Day 28

September 22, 2012

"Jesus looked at him and loved him. 'One thing you lack,' he said. 'Go, sell everything you hve and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come, follow me."  Mark 10:21

It may seem impossible in today's world that anyone could get rid of everything.  It may not be so hard to understand the concept of commitment.  If we have our heart open and accept the path of commitment, then that path provides direction and ownership.  Once there is ownership, then actions and thought have direction and purpose.

In the past three years, we as a congregation have made a commitment to expanding our mission of outreach through our growth into new space.  We now have that space, and must look to the future as that space is filled.  Our commitment and ownership of that space then provides the voice for where our ministries can and will grow.

Dear Lord - provide us the direction for our ministries that bring glory to you.  Amen.

Author:  Bunny Hamer

Recognizing Our Need to Give - Day 27

September 21, 2012

"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things." 
Psalm  103: 2-5a

These verses focus on God's love for us.  As this scripture says, He forgives our sins, heals our diseases, redeems us from death, crowns us with love and compassion, satisfies our desires, and gives righteousness and justice.  We receive all of these even though we are not deserving of them.  No matter how difficult our life's situation is we can always count our blessings.  When we feel as though we have nothing to praise God for and things seem on a downward spiral, read these verses and know that God cares and loves us for who we are, not what the world thinks of us.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Dear Lord, Thank you for the flowing blessings you give to us.  Please help us to share those blessings with others.

Author:  Gardner Hussey

Recognizing Our Need to Give - Day 26

September 20, 2012

"When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them,  "Do you understand what I have done to you?  You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am.  If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.  For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you."  John 13: 12-15

Although it seems clear that this passage has Jesus washing the feet of the apostles, it is not about that particular action.  It is a show of humility and a command to serve one another as Jesus has served them.  More importantly, I believe, is that genuine humility is a cure for selfishness, which in turn begets generosity.  We must not "store up treasures on earth,"  but be stewards of our blessing on earth and respond in humility and with generous hearts to the needs of others.  It is in giving of ourselves and our "wealth" that we truly follow Christ's command to "do just as I have done for you."  His entire ministry was about  healing the sick, comforting and helping athe poor and needy and praying for and with those who needed to know his grace and forgiveness.

Lord Jesus, please give us true humility so that we may use our gifts in service to others and to expand your ministry to all in need.  Let us be the church known for being open and loving to all, and a center for outreach to those experiencing the troubles and tribulations of life.  Amen

Author:  Jim Detzel

Friday, September 21, 2012

Recognizing Our Need to Give - Day 25

"For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."  John 3:16 (NLT)

How much is enough?  What can I afford?  Will there be abundance if I share my possessions?  These are some of the often unspoken questions that run through our minds when asked to give of our "treasure" to support the mission of the church; our church.  Often we look around and imagine that someone else will pick up the slack.  We suppose that our contributions will mean little in the grand scheme of filling the need of our church community, and we let others shoulder the load.

In God's example we are given a glimpse of another way of thinking - of thinking about love.  What is more precious than our children?  Even if you have no children of your own, you certainly have some you love as your own and would sacrifice much for their well-being.  God showed unbounded love by sending Jesus, God's son, to overcome death so that it would be conquered for us.  In this example, we see that giving in its most consequential form was for our lives to also overcome death.

Given God's gift to us, how can we not have the call to also give.  Our church is just a building - but it is a building that represents God's work through us on this earth.  We need to all be participants in the mission of loving God, loving People, and making Disciples by giving generously to make this a possibility.

Lord, we pray that we will be able to use the example that you gave to us of generous giving; not for personal or congregational aggrandizement, but so that we can do your work more effectively.  Be with us as we all participate in building your community.

Author:  Diane Bechtold

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Recognizing Our Need to Give - Day 24

September 18, 2012

"For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it."  Matthew 16:25 (NIV)

In this part of Matthew, Jesus begins to inform his disciples on his future - his death and resurrection, and their role in spreading the Gospel.  He wants to make certain they understand the importance of following Him, setting the same example he has set.  This is an important principle, not only for the disciples themselves, who have already given up their families and worldly goods to follow Jesus, but for them to impress on others.  Those who "lose" their lives to the Lord will find peace, comfort and eternal life.

Our role today is the same - to carry forward the same example as disciples of Jesus - "whoever loses his life for me will find it."  The empahsis of "losing" our life to Jesus, could just as easily be "using" our life for Jesus - giving of ourselves, our time, our talents, our treasures because we want to be more like Him and because we want to spread His good news to others.

Dear Lord, help me to recognize how my time and treasures can be used to help others and to know how important that is in our congregation and throughtout our community. I ask this in Jesus name, Amen.

Author:  Shirley Evans

Monday, September 17, 2012

Recognizing Our Need to Give - Day 23

September 17, 2012

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."  2 Corinthians 9:7

In this chapter Paul is encouraging the Corinthians to be sure to follow up on a "pledge" they had made earlier to help support the church in Jerusalem.  He didn't want them to be embarrassed, or to be embarrassed himself, by not making good on their promise.  He also reminded them that "Whoever sow sparingly will also reap sparingly, and who ever sow generously will also reap generously," and that God would always take care of them and give them what they needed to live.

The Bible verse above is one with which most of us are very familiar.  Back in the "Good old days" my parents never had a lot of money, but they always had what they needed.  Not just for food, shoes, and buying houses, but for going to school and sending me to college.  They were cheerful givers.  In more recent times, with the growth of materialism and our more-and -bigger mentality, it's much more difficult to be satisfied with what we need.  Or even to separate what we need from what we want.  So many tend to give more reluctantly.  But we still need to give - and give with the right attitude.

And why do we need to give?  Not just because God has asked us to.  Not just because there are so many in need.  But also because it shows our gratefulness for all that God has done for us.  Because it shows we have faith that God will continue to bless us.  Because it shows that our hearts have been cleansed of self-interst and filled with the servant spirit of Jesus.  And because it brings us into a closer relationship with God. 

Dear Lord thank you for all the blessings you have given us.  Help us to truly appreciate them and to use all that we have to your glory.  In Jesus name,  Amen.

Author:  Paul Ingwalson

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Recognizing Our need to Give - Day 22

September 16, 2012

"Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, not about your body, what you will put on.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
...Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'  For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.  But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."  Matthew 6:25-34 (ESV)

When I was a kid, Mad magazine was a very popular satirical humor magazine that featured a character named Alfred E. Neuman, a freckle-faced boy with misaligned eyes, big ears, a gap-toothed smile and the perennial motto "What, Me worry?" I'm not sure exactly why that was funny, but it was.

But worry is not funny.  That's why we are remined repeatedly in this Bible reading that we should not worry - because God knows what we need and He will provide.

We give out of need...A charity has a need, so we give to it.  A friend or neighbor has a need, and so we give to them.  Our church has needs, and we respond to meet those needs.  When we give of our time and talents and money, of course, we're doing so to meet someone's need.  That's obvious.  But, what do we need?

What we often don't realize is that when we give to otheres, we are meeting our own needs, as well as theirs.  Giving helps to round us out spiritually and strengthens our faith - and it makes us less anxious about our own physical or day-to-day needs!

Through our giving, we are helping to build God's kingdom righ here and right now.  That's what is meant by "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

Gracious and loving God, we know in our heads that you will provide for all of our needs.  Help us also to know that in our hearts - to really believe it - so that we can be about the work of building your kingdom.  Amen

Having Faith: Assume Sufficiency, Not Scarcity - Day 21

September 15, 2012

"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

Growing up, it was never a question of where I would be on Sunday morning.  While other kids slept in or watched television, I was at church with my family.  Little did I know that all the sermon notes, Sunday School discussions and youth group trips led me to find the best gift of relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I have to admit, when I found out I was going to be a Mom, one of the fears that kept going through my head was, "how am I going to teach my child about God'.  I know I was going to bring her to church; that's where I leaarned, right?  And then it hit me - my relationship with God developed not because I went to a church every Sunday. It developed because I went to St. Stephen every Sunday, a place where God gave me everthing and more that I needed to grow in faith through you, my church family.

Today's verse focuses on the many gifts God has graced us with and, in turn, how we can give back in thanks.  So, what's your motivation to give back in thanks for all the good work God is and will continue to do through St. Stephen's ministries?  My motivation is the excitement on my daughter, Madison's face when she hears its Sunday and we don't have to go to church...we get to go.

Gracious Lord, thank you for giving us all that we need and more.  Because Your love is so much, we want to give back to You.  Guide us toward how we can to a part of the greater mission to show our neighbors Your grace and love through Christ, our King.  Amen.

Author:  Karla Kail

Friday, September 14, 2012

Having Faith: Assume Sufficiency, Not Scarcity - Day 20

September 14, 2012

"Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and everything you put your hands to."  Deuteronomy 15:10

As have many others, we have had times in our life when we had struggles with our jobs, finances, even our marriage and did not know what the next day would bring.  However, we were blessed that we never went hungry and always had a roof over our heads.  God was watching over us; even though we might not have been so generous to him.

As we have grown in our faith we also have grown in our giving; not only our tithes and offerings but our time.  In doing so we are the ones receiving.  We receive the gifts of fellowship and the rewards for contributing which lead to much more fulfilling and joyous life.

Prayer:  Lord thank you for all the generous blessings you have provided to us; when we were not so generous to you .  Continue to work through us is our journey through faith; and let us be examples to others to not be scared to have faith and assume sufficiency not scarcity.

Author:  Brenda Coble

Having Faith: Assume Sufficiency, Not Scarcity - Day 19

Sept 13, 2012

"He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness."  2 Corinthians 9:10

This passage tells us that God will supply and multiply our seed for sowing and our harvest.  Some people have interpreted this passage and others like them in the Bible to mean that God will reward us in material terms.  Surely, God has given us many blessings, including providing for our physical needs, like a home , clothing and food, great worship facilities, etc. but that is not what is meant here.

Before our current red hymnal, we had a green one - the Lutheran Book of Worship.  Part of our regular communion service was the singing of "let the vineyards be fruitful, Lord, and fill to the brim our cup of blessing.  Gather the harvest from the seed that were sown, that we may be fed with the bread of life..."  We weren't singing about real drinking and eating, or harvesting crops there, either.

God has provided us with His Word - the Gospel - the good news of Jesus Christ.  That's the seed that we are sowing, the seed that He supplies, both as seed and as "the bread of life."  God's promise is that He will use His people "that's us - St. Stephen people, right here in Longwood!) and their resources (that's "our" resources, the resources that God has given to us) as instruments of His grace, for the salvation of others.

So, we have everything we need.  We have God's Word. We have wonderful resources available to us - both individually and collectively.  And, we have God's promise that He will multiply our seed and increase our harvest.  Let's get going!

Lord, we are beginning a new season of sowing and planting and we give thanks that you have provided what we need.  We ask that you renew us and strengthen us for the tasks ahead.  Amen

Author:  Barbara Hauck

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Having Faith: Assume Sufficiency, Not Scarcity - Day 18

September 12, 2012

"The gifts I have received {in a Roman prison} are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.  And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus."  Phil 4:18-19

Imagine sitting in a dank Roman prison, waiting to be killed, and eyt to feel joy!  How did Paul achieve this?  Most of us humans feel happy when our want and desires for creature comforts are met.  But Paul reminds us that our happiness then must depend upon certain earthly happenings.  We can't always control what happens here.  But joy depends upon Christ.  It is always available to us because, because He is always available to us.  He hears all our prayers.

Giving is pleasurable because we do it out of love for a friend, known or unknown, or for God.  God knows our hearts.  He knows what our motives for giving are.  Selfish motives do not bring His blessings.

Jesus made many promises to us.  He will never leave us. He will give us strength when we need it.  We have all been blessed to have been born here in America.  All good things in my life have come from God. How about you?  Count your blessings!  You can't help but feel joy when you count them!!

There is joy in my relationship with Jesus.  Joy in being directed by the Holy Spirit.  Joy that he has given me a mission. He gave you one too!  There is joy in knowing that once we complete our mission on planet Earth, we will join Him in His glorious kingdom.  Yes, and there is also joy in giving.  When you help someone out, don't you feel joy?

Of course the greatest gift God ever gave us was Jesus!!

Dear Father,  Let me be continually thankful for all you have given me.  I know all good gifts are from you.  Most of all, thank you for Jesus and thank you for letting me experience His love.  Let me be continually sensitive to hearing your voice and your promptings.  Let my money and my service be pleasing to you.  I pray in the name above all names!  Amen.

Author:  Carol Bechberger

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Having Faith: Assume Sufficiency, Not Scarcity - Day 17

September 11, 2012

"And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us."  1 John 5:14

It is tough to assume sufficiency or think about giving in these uncertain economic times.  We have all been touched or know someone close who has been dealing with loss of income.  It is frightening to think about people who have worked their whole lives for retirement, only to lose it after they've retired.  We don't want that to be us.

We must remember that God promises to provide.  He will provide in both meanings of "will".  First he will provide in HIS time, not ours.  Blessings don't always come when we want them but I submit they always come when we need them.  Second, it is His will that we are provided for.  We need only trust in him!  It's not easy, trust me?  I have experienced this first hand.

There are so many parables in the New Testament cautioning us about the scarcity assumption, for instance the parable in Luke 12 about the farmer who had so much grain he didn't have enough room to store it all so he built newer bigger barns but died the next day.  What about the Loaves and Fishes stories in John 6 and Mark 8 where Jesus fed thousands, out of the scarcity of fish and bread?

Resist the temptation to hold back.  Believe that God will provide!  You are blessed.

Gracious God, help us to resist the temptation to hold back from those in need.  Help us to understand that you have always provided and will continue to provide.  We are weak but you are strong.  Strengthen us in our faith and belief.  Show us the joy of giving.  Your grace is sufficient for us.  Amen.

Author:  Steve Brick

Having Faigh: Assume Sufficiency, Not Scarcity - Day 16

September 10, 2012

"Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and whoever is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much.  If then you have not been faithful with the dishonest wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches?"  Luke 16; 10-11

Ooops, will you run that by me again?  In the whole 16th chapter of Luke it sounds like Jesus was walking down Wall Street, or perhaps snooping into our personal bank accounts.  Well, maybe he was.  He seems to use the word 'dishonest' to cover it all.  Yet I caught something else he said that puts it all in a different light.  He spoke of being entrusted with "true riches".  Now, thinking of what Jesus emphasized throughout his life, true ruches are really, "love, joy and peace".  Could there be a certain sarcasm in his references to the preoccupations with "wealth"?  Could his reference to "a very little" simply mean from our point of view?  Could he be saying that trust in the midst of our "little" and a sense of "sufficiency" generates the true riches of love, peace and joy?  Are not the exchanges of love, peace and joy the true mark of faithfulness.  Perhaps when these and many other words of Jesus are run by us again and we view them with the awareness of his constant concern for the reality of love, peace, and joy, we will appreciate the sufficiency and faithfulness brought out.  It's a whole new Wall Street, a whole new life, and a whole new wealth to enjoy and share!

Dear Lord, I'm overwhelmed because you have entrusted me with "true riches", and I know you want others to have them too.  So, from my abundance I'll gladly share.  Hear our voices of "thanks"!  Amen.

Author:  Johan Berg

Having Faith: Assume Sufficiency, Not Scarcity - Day 15

September 9, 2012

"..because God's gift to us is the happiness we get from our food and drinks and from the work we do.  Everything God has done will last forever; nothing he does can ever be changed.  God has done all this, so that we will worship him...Everything that happens has happened before and all that will be has already been....God does everything over and over again."  Ecclesiastes 3:13-14

Have you truly given yourself to do God's will?  How many of us believe that God will always provide?  Has there ever been a time when you were surprised that you received more than you thought you deserved?  Well, think about it, every day of our live we receive more than we deserve.  God created all the beauty of the Earth and allows us to make our own choices in life.  Our society has given us the restraints that we have but God still allows us to make our own choices.  How great is that?!

What are your talents and are you giving the time to God's work in your Church?  We are human and enjoy all the "perks" we have achieved in life whether it be the home we live in, the job we have, or the personal achievements we have attained.  Is this what God would want us to be doing?  It takes many talents to keep perpertuating God's work.  Talents that include both time and money.  God knows we are selfish beings and He gives us that choice to decide where our priorities lie.  Is it more important for us as individuals to "buy" that new electronic devise or should we decide to give more to God's work?

Heavenly Father, be with each and every one of us as we enter our new facility and continue to plan to further growth in our Church.  Please be in each heart as decisions are made to give of our time and talents SUFFICIENTLY.  Show us how to best use the gifts and possessions that You have given us.  In whose name we pray.  Amen.

Author:  Helen Showers

Friday, September 7, 2012

Place God First in Budgeting and Spending - Day 14

September 8, 2012

"...all shall give as they are able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that he has given you."  Deuteronomy 16:17

There are times in our lives when we face a monetary crunch in our household budgets, and we wonder if there will be any "money left at the end of the month".  These are times when we seem to put our giving to God at the end of the list rather than at the top.  Speaking from experience (we didn't always put God first) but ALL the times that our budget reflected the first "payment" to The Lord, we had enough money to pay all the bills.  Money didn't seem to be less seemed to be just right or even a little more was available.  Can't explain it!  There just seemed to be enough and the feeling of giving to God first not only felt right, it felt food.  After all, we are taught that it is all His anyway...he only wants 10% back.

So, make God's check the first one that you pay.  Allow yourself the "first step of faith" into a life of putting God first in all you do.  It is very rewarding.  And once you get to the 10% mark, try to give even more!

Dear God, thank you for my gifts in the money and wealth you provide for me.  It is with great joy that I give to you so these blessings may be used in service to you, Lord.  Amen.

Author:  Bill Nasworthy

Place God First in Budgeting and Spending - Day 13

September 7, 2012

"Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts.  But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny.  Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, 'I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others, they all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her povery, put in everything - all she had to live on.'"  Mark 13:41-44

To look around this world, there are plenty of injustices.  There is hate, ignorance, poverty, sickness, and pain.  As Americans, we are good at turning the other cheek.  In fact, we are practically raised to. We're taught to store away what you have, because, "in this economy,"  we can't be sure what tomorrow holds.  Many of us are taught that if someone doesn't have as much as us, they didn't work as hard.  We are taught to fear strangers, so we grow up not caring about our neighbors.

Through Jesus, all of that changes.  We learn to love every person and we find ourselves able to clearly see what is unjust.  Our hearts break for what breaks His.  We start to see just how many problems our world has.  We get stuck seeing how many hurdles there are to leap and become overwhelmed.  We begin to see how small we are and how much we lack.  It conveniently escapes our minds just how much we are blessed with.

The truth is that we can do something.  We are only on this earth for a short while, and, despite contrary belief, the goal is not to store up as much 'stuff' as possible.  Be have been entrusted with so much in this world, and the key is to do something with it that will live on after we are gone.  Envision how you would like the world to look.  Maybe your hear aches for people with addictions, or for people learning to devote their live to God, or maybe for the children.  Maybe you care about middle school students just trying to find their place, or maybe people with nowhere left to find a meal.  Maybe people in hospice strike a nerve, or hight school students who are close to facing 'the real world.'  These, and many more, are people our church reaches out to.  Great things are going on at St. Stephen and it's not often that one donation can cater to this many people.

Lord, we realize that our possessions can never fulfill us the way that You do.  We distract ourselves from the brokenness of this world because we don't feel big enough.  Remind us, Lord, that you gave us the power to change our world.  We feel your pain, and we're looking it in the eye.  We pray for Your guidance, as we choose to play a part in changing the lives of Your children, that, oneday, we will see Your kingdom here on earth.  Amen.

Author:  Emma Bauder

Place God First in Budgeting and Spending - Day 12

September 6, 2012

"When Jesus heard his answer, he said, "there is still one thing you haven't done.  Sell all your possissions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come, follow me."  Luke 18:22

After reading this verse for the first time, you probably had the same reaction I did...sell EVERYTHING I have??  Where would I live?  How would I get to work?  My dog Winston is my best friend; I can't just sell him to another family!  I quickly decided that this was one of those Bible verses that shouldn't be taken literally just like the scripture in the Old Testament that says women cannot teach and only have one purpose, which is to take care of the home.  Yeah, right!

Then I took a moment and tried to really consider what my life would be like if I had no possessions.  The faces of the homeless people we fed this past summer in Key West popped into my mind.  Many of them only had one small grocery gag of possessions.  One person responded to me by saying "He sure does and you too!" after I proclaimed "God loves you!"  Possessions are not what make us happy and enjoy life.  In fact, they seem to be a distraction from the glorious creation God has planted all around us.  Possessions and the inherent need to continuously accumulate more of them, has distracted us from serving God and his people.

Instead, find time away from the iPads, 52" flat screens and motorcycles, and focus on using that time for others and putting God first.  Whether you spend ten minutes comforting a lost soul over the phone, or an hour feeding the homeless on the beaches of Key West, each minute you dedicate to God and His creation, I promise you, will bring you heaven on earth.  There is nothing better we can do with our time and resources than to give them to God to serve his people.

Dear God, please help me find an extra few minutes each day to refocus my time, energy, and thoughts on You and Your abundant creation.  Guide me to turn my good fortunes into fortunes for others.  I will do all I can do to ensure every moment of my life gives glory to you and your Son.  Amen

Author:  Kelly Holloway

Place God First in Budgeting and Spending - Day 11

September 5, 2012

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."  Matthew 6:33

As you selfishly read this Bible verse, the question that first comes to mind is "what would you like to be given to you?"  Maybe you can think of some good stuff you might like.  I know that a new Ipad might be nice.  You might perfer a trip to Europe or China.  In a way, it seems too simple to think that by following Jesus and trying to live righteously, free from guilt or sin that we might be able to have things just given to us.  On the other hand, being honest, hardworking, and not greedy is actually a very successful business model..I know many businesses that have thrived because they followed a Christian ethic.  But there's something more here, isn't there?  We want things because we want to be happy.

This is where Jesus turns the world upside down in a way that surprises us.  We, all of us, were created in the image of God.  The Holy Spirit blew a breath of life into me just as the Spirit did for you.  Jesus is in our DNA.  We can't scratch Him out.  So what is the surprise in the way we are created to be happy?  Having stuff given to us really doesn't make us happy.  It is when we give to others that we are happy.  The youth on our recent mission trips said that their happiest time all year is when they are working fiercely to help the poor and the homeless.  It is a bigger high for them than Christmas.  The surprise is, we are all make that way.  When we give, we are happy. That's not a wishful platitude.  It is scientific.  If you have 11 minutes, you can see the proof youself at  So, if you see Jesus and his righteousness, you may find that you have been given talents, abilities, or stuff.  If you want to be happy, you take the things you've been given and you freely give it to others.  Do not fear.  Don't worry. Be happy.  Give.

Dear Jesus, give me the courage to follow you today.  Help me to live a life that is in accord with your divine law, free from guilt or sin.  Thank you for the gifts you have given me that I can joyfully and happily share.  Open my clenched fist that, out of fear, hangs tight to my coins, let me share and thus be happy.  Thank you for the gift of being able to give.  Amen.

Author:  Jeff Reich

Place God First in Budgeting and Spending - Day 10

Day 10

"Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce."  Proverbs 3:9

In my yard there is a small fruit tree that has me excited!  Making a quick count, I found well over two hundred well forming fruit, and even more little ones that look like a great future harvest.  Every time I look at that tree I'm reminded that it was given to us as just a little cut-off by a generous friend.  We planted it and watched it grow.  Now the first thing that comes to mind is picking 24 of the first fruit to ripen to give back to that friend as a "thank you', and share my excitement and appreciation!  p.s. Does anyone want a "slip" of a Calamundin tree?

It doesn't task my mind very much to see the parallel of a very generous God giving me "gifts" that I could plant in my life.  Now as I look at my life and see the abundance, is "excitement" as adequate word to express my reaction?  What genuine excitement comes with thanking God and seeing the "first fruits" and abundant life-giving "cuttings" grow in the lives of others.  Come to think of it.  That is how God's "gifts" came to me. 

Dear Lord, since I don't have your address, how would it be if I share my "harvest excitement" with others?  Your wonderful "fruits" will grow in their lives and we will all say "Thank You", "Thank You", "Thank You"!  Dear Lord

Author:  Johan Bergh

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

WEEK 2: Place God First in Budgeting and Spending

September 3, 2012

— DAY 9 —

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust detroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  Matthew 6:19-21

Where is your treasure?  People search for buried treasure and X marks the spot on a treasure map.  Think about what you try to protect, what you would give your life for, what Jesus calls his followers to choose...between greater earthly wealth or reward in heaven.  Throughout scripture our Father challenges us to place God first in every part of our lives.  If we put aside our earthly wants, rely on Him, and let the Holy Spirit work through us, the most wondrous treasure is ours...a loving relationship with our heavenly Father for all eternity.  So we don't have to search for our treasure.  The Bible is our treasure leads us to the greatest treasure and a CROSS marks the spot.  What will your treasure be?

Dear Lord,
Thank you for the treasure map you have given us in scripture.  Help us to store our treasures in heaven and the share the gifts you have given us on earth.  Continue to lead us to a loving relationship with you .  Thanks be to God.
In Christ's Name we pray,

Author: Jennifer Whalen