Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lenten Reflections, Day 9

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

Written by: Russ Hauck

Reading: Acts 15: 1-11

This passage from Acts tells us that the Apostle Paul and another Christian disciple, Barnabas, encountered some early Christians who wanted to divide people into those who were "saved" and "not saved." So they made up some rules that said "This is what you have to do to be saved." But Paul would have none of that! He set them straight that God’s salvation is not just for some people and not for others. It’s not just for those who act in a certain way and it’s not just for those that we think are worthy. No, God’s salvation is for everyone.

Paul was speaking to the Pharisees, but also to you and to me. When we are tempted to judge others, or when we may be spiritually down and harshly judging ourselves, we can look to the empty tomb and remember Paul’s words, "We are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus."

Let us Pray,
Lord God, our world wants to divide people up and pick winners and losers. That may be okay for our games and contests, but in the "game of life" you have shown us a different way. Help us to remember that way… that salvation is not for some, but for all, through your loving mercy and grace. Amen


During Jesus’ life on earth, He helped a lot of people. Some that He helped were good people, some were not so good. Lent is a time for us to remember that Jesus came for everyone. With your family, think of differences among people. How are people different? Do these differences matter? Remember Jesus cared for and loved everyone.
Jesus, thank you for caring for everyone. Thank you for showing us that even though we are all different, in your eyes and your heart we are equal. AMEN

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lenten Reflections, Day 8

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

Written by: Genon Murray

Reading: Genesis 9: 8-17

God made a promise to humankind and all living things not to flood and destroy the earth. This was God’s Old Testament covenant of salvation. In His promise, He specifically stated that it was an everlasting promise that He would never break and that a rainbow would appear in the sky after each rain as a sign of that everlasting promise. Not only does God want us to understand that He keeps his Word, but He understands our need to experience His connection with us through signs of His grace in the world around us. As we celebrate the New Covenant at Lent, we are reminded that God is always seeking ways to keep His promise of salvation with us and that He demonstrates this in the person of Jesus.

Let us Pray,

Thank you, God for always seeking a covenant of salvation with us. Thank you for giving us physical reminders of your love and everlasting promises in the beautiful world you created for us to live in and in your perfect Son, Jesus. Amen


A covenant is a promise between God and God’s people. In today’s story, we learn that the rainbow is a sign of God’s promise to never again destroy the world by a flood. The rainbow is both pointing down to earth and also up to heaven. As a family, search Google Images for "rainbow in nature." (Parents, when performing an internet search, always preview material!) Draw a rainbow or create one out of different colored tissue papers.

Loving God, thank you for sending us rainbows as a sign of your promise. Thank you for the beauty of nature and your amazing grace!

Lenten Reflections, Day 7

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

Written by: Carolyn Champagne

Reading: Matthew 7: 7-12

When reading these passages God’s words resonate "trust, prayer and call on me". He couldn’t be more clear in His expression of the desire to help and reach out to all of us who ask. But it is hard to turn your trust totally to God. It is not an easy thing to do. One thing is for sure, if you have faith the word trust comes a bit easier.

Years ago when my father was very ill with a bleeding ulcer, right after heart surgery, we thought we were going to lose him. The doctors had all said he probably wouldn’t make it. We had to trust in the Lord then. We had nowhere else to turn. We prayed and prayed and prayed again. The Lord heard us and saved him. He was with us for five more wonderful years. But why does it take a tragedy to push us to that point of turning to God? We need to talk to Him always and trust in the direction he sends us. Verse 7 says, "Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you." How much clearer can that be? How many times does He have to remind us that the Lord our Savior is there for us always, anywhere, anytime? All we have to do is ask.

Lord God, help guide the way to you and you only. Let us not hesitate to ask you for anything, knowing that you are listening. Encourage us to knock on your door in prayer and reach out to you always. Amen.


"Do onto others as you would have done to you." Today, think of how you like to be treated by others. Talk with your family about how you should treat others. Spend the day treating everyone the way you want to be treated.

Lord, be with me today and help me treat others like I want to be treated. AMEN

Monday, February 27, 2012

Lenten Reflections - Day 5

February 27: John 1:14-18
By: Karole Schuster

Putting my thoughts into words is a great struggle for me. I feel that they may not be profound or be viewed as too simple. As I read the verses and commentaries, I struggled over what I should write. Would my words make it any clearer to those reading them? The answer is no. What it really comes down to is that many men delivered the Word of God before Jesus became man. God’s laws were delivered by men. However, it was not until Jesus became man that God walked among us. God loves us so much that he gave us His son. It is by His grace alone that we are saved.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for the gift of Jesus Christ. Thank you for Your living word. Thank you for Your everlasting love and kindness. Watch over all who are seeking your truth. In your holy name we pray. Amen

Family Moment
Can you see air? You breath it every moment of every day, but you can’t see it. God is like air. He is with us every moment of every day, but we can’t see Him. Close your eyes for a moment. Imagine what you think God looks like; picture Him with you, always.

God, thank you for being with me all the time. Thank you for loving me, no matter what, even though I can’t see you. AMEN

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lenten Reflections - Day 5

Sunday, February 26 - Psalm 95: 1-7
By: Genon Murray

An “attitude of gratitude” is the focus of this song of praise. The psalmist is joyfully recognizing the glory of God, His creative power and His loving pursuit of an intimate relationship with us. What better time to remember that an all-powerful God seeks a loving relationship with His human children than Lent. What better time than Lent to assume an “attitude of gratitude” and praise for all God is and all God has done.

Great, powerful and loving God, Thank you, thank you, thank you for loving us and wanting us to live forever with you in heaven! We sing your praises with joy and gratitude! Amen

Family Moment

Everything we have is from God. The sky is from God, the birds, the flowers, the oceans. Think of all the wonderful things in your life. Now, make a thank you card for God.

Thank you God for all your creations! AMEN

Lenten Reflections - Day 4

FEBRUARY 25 – Luke 6:32-38
By: Diane Bechtold

Do you have anyone who has done something so egregious that you cannot forgive? Do you have a wonderful set of friends, with no more room for others? Do you circle the wagons with your friends and loved ones and keep others out? Is it fun for you to engage in gossip and speculation about another – even if you are doing the same thing? Jesus cautions us to open the doors to all and to show graciousness, not to judge. How we treat others will be the way in which we receive blessing.

Lord God, Thank you for the gift of others in our lives, those we already know and those to whom we can offer help and friendship. Fill our lives with service to others so that we can honor your name. Amen

Family Moment
It is easy to love people that love you. But have you ever tried to love, or even be nice to someone that isn’t nice to you? It is easy to do activities you enjoy, but what about the ones you don’t enjoy? Today, make an effort to be nice to someone that may not be so nice to you. Try to do a chore or activity you don’t enjoy and be gracious while doing it.

Jesus, thank you for loving us. Help me love those that may not love me, help me to be gracious while doing things I may not enjoy. AMEN

Friday, February 24, 2012

Lenten Reflections - Day 3

FEBRUARY 24 – Matthew 25: 31-40
By: Eric Rose

Matthew 25 is the culmination of a series of parables about the kingdom of heaven. The verses 31-40 specifically address how loving one another, “loving people”, is loving God. Jesus teaches us to treat everyone as though they were me. My four year old daughter, Jordan, understands this. When she helps others or others help her, she says it is because God is in their hearts. What a world this would be if everyone listened to God in their heart.

Dear God,
Thank you for loving us. Help us to share your everlasting love with others. Amen.

Family Moment
Today’s Bible passage says that when we do something to help others we have actually helped Jesus. Share with each other some ways that you helped Jesus today. How can you feed the hungry or clothe the naked or visit the sick? Make a plan to sacrifice something (donate clothes, food or make cards for the sick) for Jesus.

Jesus, help us to remember that you love everyone. Help us to have a heart that is giving to others. Thank you, Lord, for those that have given to us. AMEN.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

FEBRUARY 23 – Joel 2:12-14
By: Char Klima

It’s all about the heart. God who knows you so well and wants the very best you have to offer. Praise and outward expressions of your allegiance are good. They glorify God and reflect His glory to others. But it is what’s in your heart that is the most important to your Creator. He desires a deep and personal relationship with you. Repent and return to me NOW, He insists. What’s in it for you? You’ll find open arms eager to embrace you. God is gracious and merciful and forgiving. His steadfast and enduring love awaits you! Don’t dally. Seek the Lord – and put your whole heart into the quest.

Dear Lord, Forgive my hesitation. Make me so desire your presence that I prize You above all else and ask your spirit to find its home in my heart today. Amen

Family Moment
The season of Lent is a time to remember Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on the cross. We remember that Jesus gave up his life for us so that we could live in freedom forever. To sacrifice means to give away something you like for someone else. As a family, discuss some sacrifices you have made or could make (not buying new clothes to save money for vacation, not working on a Saturday to have family time instead, etc). How does sacrifice make you feel? Is it fun to sacrifice? Why do we sacrifice? Why did Jesus sacrifice?

Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice on the cross. Thank you for loving us so much! AMEN.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lenten Reflections - Ash Wednesday

FEBRUARY 22 – Ephesians 2:1-10
By: Lisa Krist

Recently, CLAY played an incredibly inspiring YouTube video of “The Change” by Steven Curtis Chapman with unforgettable images. My daughter asked me to watch it with her, and together we agreed that it made our hearts soar. The song questions one’s faith and then challenges us to do more and to be more. It starts out, “I’ve got this way of thinking that comes so naturally, where I believe the whole world is revolving around me.” As a parent, it is definitely a struggle to remember who the world should really revolve around, and why. Then the lyrics ask, “What about the change, what about the difference, what about the grace, what about forgiveness, what about a life that’s showing I’m undergoing the change.” Well, what about it? If we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, then isn’t change an important focus of this Lenten season?

“I’m gonna have the change, I’m gonna have the difference, I’m gonna have the grace, I’m gonna have forgiveness, I want to live a life that’s showing I’m undergoing the change.” Won’t you join me?

Everyone has days where they are in survival mode . . . getting to the next meeting . . .car pooling to the next event . . . paying the next bill . . . life is exhausting. But even the smallest action, like being asked by your child to stop what you’re doing to watch a music video, can inspire change. I am so grateful for Christian songwriters like Steven Curtis Chapman who have the uncanny ability to read between the lines of scripture and turn it into a message that
raises my spirit to want to do more. There’s never a wrong time to undergo the change, and to discover how you can make a difference in the world. Amen.

Family Moment
What is/was your favorite gift? Why are gifts so special? In today’s passage we realize that the gifts of God are FREE! What a huge relief that we don’t have to be good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, athletic enough or any of that – we’re already chosen for God’s team! Since the gifts of God are given without any conditions or strings attached, our response should be a thank-you. Discuss what verse 10 says about our “thank-you.”

Have every one say a prayer or write a thank-you to God for sending us Jesus, for free gifts, and for His love!