Friday, February 24, 2012

Lenten Reflections - Day 3

FEBRUARY 24 – Matthew 25: 31-40
By: Eric Rose

Matthew 25 is the culmination of a series of parables about the kingdom of heaven. The verses 31-40 specifically address how loving one another, “loving people”, is loving God. Jesus teaches us to treat everyone as though they were me. My four year old daughter, Jordan, understands this. When she helps others or others help her, she says it is because God is in their hearts. What a world this would be if everyone listened to God in their heart.

Dear God,
Thank you for loving us. Help us to share your everlasting love with others. Amen.

Family Moment
Today’s Bible passage says that when we do something to help others we have actually helped Jesus. Share with each other some ways that you helped Jesus today. How can you feed the hungry or clothe the naked or visit the sick? Make a plan to sacrifice something (donate clothes, food or make cards for the sick) for Jesus.

Jesus, help us to remember that you love everyone. Help us to have a heart that is giving to others. Thank you, Lord, for those that have given to us. AMEN.

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