DECEMBER 11 – Matthew 2: 9-12
By: Barb Johnson
In December, we will welcome a grandchild into our family. We will visit our newest granddaughter, bringing with our love and adoration, gifts of welcome. Cute pink dresses, noisy rattles and lots of diapers, will be the presents bestowed on the new addition. Mary and Joseph’s new baby received gold, incense, and myrrh. At the prices of today (gold at $1,627.60 per ounce), these will definitely NOT be on the gift registry.
Jesus does not expect expensive gifts from us when we visit Him. He is so pleased when we give Him our time and our love. Jesus wants a relationship with us-time to talk, time to listen. Taking the time to meditate and pray are not only gifts to Jesus and to our Father, but also to us.
In this Advent season, as we bow down and worship Him, we should be thankful that Jesus accepts less than gold, incense, and myrrh. Well, actually He expects MORE than those expensive gifts. He expects the hearts of each and every believer.
Our gracious Savior, thank you for accepting our hearts in gratitude for the sacrifice you made for us. Amen
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