DECEMBER 8 – Luke 3: 2-6
By: Yolanda Butler
Advent is a season of anticipation and joyous celebration. From childhood this season has always been ripe with tradition. Decorating the church and home, lighting the advent wreath, the Bible stories of the Christ child’s birth and music. Oh, the music! Christmas carols and hymns, concerts to prepare for and large gatherings of voices have been a part of the season since junior high school days.
One annual tradition as an adult in Chicago was participation in one or more choral presentations of Handel’s oratorio The Messiah. Luke 3: 2-6 references the Old Testament book of Isaiah exalting that John the son of Zacharias heard the voice of God in the wilderness saying, and I refer to the third movement of The Messiah,” Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill made low; the crooked straight, and the rough places plain.” I have many times listened in awe to the tenor voice singing this Air and of the words of God made lyrical.
As we once again are made part of this season of traditions may you also find joy and rapture in the spirit of Advent and Christmas and the word of God put in time to music.
Dear Lord, we ask your blessings as we join in the celebration of the retelling of your son, Jesus Christ’s, birth. May the music that we share bring joy and comfort to the world. Thank you, Lord, for giving us talents that help us share your love. Amen.
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