DECEMBER 9 – Matthew 2: 1-8
By: Nancy Ulerich
We can become too familiar with the words of Christmas carols. They take on carnal meaning, like much of the commercial Christmas we celebrate. I was not enthusiastic on my first read of this assigned scripture describing the wise men’s pursuit of the Christ. Then I realized the riches contained in this passage. This scripture provides “evidence that demands a verdict” for Herod and all who read:
1. There was a star prominent enough to guide wise men to the Christ. We can argue whether the star can be explained by scientific, natural phenomena or if it was supernatural, defying all possible galactic phenomena. We cannot, however, deny the star’s prominent presence that caught the attention of wise men and led them to Christ.
2. The scriptures foretold that Christ, the Messiah, would be born in Bethlehem. This passage shows this is prophesy well known to the scribes and priests in Jerusalem. It also shows that the prophesy was real enough to scare Herod, the powerful, Roman-appointed King of the Jews. Herod feared the Christ would overtake his rule, so he sought to kill the child whose birth in Bethlehem was marked by the Star.
What a simple, clear, and powerful scripture!
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