DECEMBER 22 – Matthew 2: 11-12
By: Elaine Cornelius
As I reread these verses, I realized again how much of the story of “The Three Kings” is left out. It doesn’t say who these men were, how many of them came to visit the baby, or how long they had been traveling. We are told only from which direction they came, not actual starting places. We do not know how long they stayed before returning home. These specifics are simply not recorded.
What the verses do say is the men saw Jesus with His mother and knew it was He they had been seeking. They were led by God to that exact spot to worship Him and give gifts of great value to be used later in Christ’s life. The Magi were also led to protect Jesus by disobeying a ruler by returning home another way, an act which could easily have resulted in their deaths had they been found. They understood the risk and chose to obey God.
So, what can we learn from a visit by nondescript strangers to this family no one would normally give a second glance? The Magi had faith, when there was no evidence what they sought was real. They did not know where they were going when they started the journey. They kept watching for God’s signs to be sure they were following the pathway God was lighting for them. They trusted God to guide their way and keep them safe, even into unknown territory while dealing with leaders and strangers who deliberately
hid their motives. The Magi did not have much information when they began their journey; it is a testimony of being led by faith. God is still leading. I just need to trust Him enough to follow.
Lord, as we prepare to celebrate your birth, help us to trust you as you light the path for us. Build our faith as we learn to follow no matter where you lead. Thank you for guiding us in your way. Amen.
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