DECEMBER 3 – Luke 1: 39-45
By: Cyd Law
In verses 39 thru 45 Luke tells us the story of Mary going to visit her relative Elizabeth. Elizabeth lived in the hill country of Judea probably in or around the city of Hebron. Mary lived in Nazareth a town over 100 miles from Hebron. Both women were dealing with pregnancies that were unusual. Elizabeth because of her age and Mary because of her means of conception. Both women seem to be humbled by the fact that they have been chosen to participate directly in God’s plan. When Mary first arrives at Elizabeth’s she calls out to her. We are told that Elizabeth, who is filled with the Holy Spirit, feels her baby jump for joy. Those of us who have been blessed to feel babies in utero move know what a wonderful feeling that is. Now go a step further and know that your baby jumped for joy at the meeting of Mary and her child Jesus. What a life changing experience that must have been. Elizabeth then goes on to express a beatitude for Mary’s faith. Mary, this young girl was trusting God, letting him use her to his glory even though she did not fully understand everything that was going on. To be blessed, is to be happy because God has touched our lives even though we might not totally understand where he is taking us and why.
Dear Lord, Help us to be like Mary and Elizabeth. Trusting you to do your work and enabling us to participate in your plan. Help us to be happy because we know that we are participating in your plan. Thank you for keeping your word and bring Jesus your son into this world a blessing that people for centuries have been celebrating and will continue to celebrate. Amen.
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