READING: Mark 12: 28-34
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
I grew up learning this and having it drummed into my head. However, it is not hard to believe. As you look at the world, our community, etc., and pay attention to things around you, you can see how Jesus shows himself everywhere, as He answers our prayers.
He answered mine one day about 15 years ago when my dad was very ill and not expected to live. He slipped into a coma for 5 weeks and the doctors had pretty much run out of ways to heal him. So my mom, my sister and I sat on the floor at home and prayed together. We had never done this together before. It was a very healing experience for us as we turned my dad’s fate over to Jesus. Eight weeks later my dad was alive and well and ready to come home. It was nothing short of a miracle. Jesus gave us our dad back for a wonderful 5 more years. I will cherish those extra days with him always.
It is hard to totally let go and turn your troubles over to Jesus, but that is what He wants us to do. So during this Lenten season, let’s work on putting things in His hands to fix or to heal. This is what He wants and what He expects us to do. God Bless.
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