Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lenten Reflection - Day 22: by Melissa Izzo, Solid Rock Youth

READING: Revelation 22: 1-9

For me, the mission trip that Solid Rock went on in the summer of 2008 turned into more than just a mission trip. It turned into a trip of faith, experience, learning, and love. Since this was my first mission trip, I began the week nervous and excited, though my nervousness quickly changed into even more excitement as we arrived in Alabama.

On one of the work days I was fortunate enough to be stationed with a few of the other youth in a hurricane-damaged house, painting the walls of a bedroom. We all worked together and within a few hours the entire room was covered with bright yellow paint. Later that day, we found out that the room we had painted for Mr. Jack, the owner of the house, was actually the room he was born in, and we had put the room back into a state that it was safe enough for him to live in. At the end of the day I was listening to Mr. Jack tell stories of his life and I could see a twinkle of faith and gratitude in his eyes. Seeing the affect we had on Mr. Jack really touched my heart in a way that made me realize that I needed to help Mr. Jack as much as he needed the help. Faith brought us to help him, and I know that faith will always lead me in the right direction.

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