READING: Ezekiel 36: 22-28
Our Baptismal Covenant: “So you will be My people, and I will be your God.” (Ezekiel 36: 28) My personal stream of faith joins the River of Faith….I become a child of God.
From my parents I know that they have and continue to love me every single second of every single day. Throughout my childhood and adulthood I have known that they sometimes might not like or agree with my decisions or actions, but the unchangeable fact that they love me is never in question. I see that also in my relationship with God. By His Grace I am guided, my shortcomings forgiven, because He loves me every single second of every single day…..for ever and ever. If I take in all the love that my parents give me, and that God gives me, and if I never share it, it would be like building a dam that selfishly guards the precious water from the valley beyond. That love is validated and given such importance because it is shared with others. I have been taught and shown love, how could I not let that love flow through me to others?! In Ezekiel 36..”Thus the nations shall know that I am the Lord, says the Lord God, when in their sight I prove my holiness through you.” My faith is that we are to be instruments of God’s love and forgiveness…of God’s peace. From infancy my faith has been Christianity. My lifelong goal is to continue to grow and learn how to follow the teachings of my Lord Jesus Christ. My lifelong goal, with the help of the Holy Spirit and with Jesus by my side, is for others to learn of the GREAT LOVE through my actions even more than my words.
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