READING: Romans 15: 5-6
“May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Romans 15: 5-6
When I was in high school I played the saxophone in the band. There was something special that happened when 100 students all with different instruments, skill levels, and ages began to play following the one conductor. When everyone played all the right notes and stayed in tempo a beautiful symphony flowed from the stage. I can remember playing through a long and powerful piece that our band played for a competition and we played it perfectly. I remember the last note vividly, when the conductor gave us the last down beat and, at the exact same time, we all played that final chord perfectly in tune, I got chills; something very special had happened!
For any of you who have experienced a group coming together with one goal in mind and working together to accomplish that goal, you know the feeling I am speaking of. It’s synergy, connectedness, many working as one. As I read what Paul writes to the Romans I am thinking of all the times in my life that I have “lived in harmony” with those around me and how that felt to be in sync. It’s an amazing feeling, and as I continue to read, Paul talks about “one voice glorifying God”. Can you imagine what it would be like to be one voice glorifying God?! The unconditional love flowing out of every soul, caring and forgiveness, acceptance and grace, love; pure one hundred percent love, no matter what, love all to glorify God. How amazing…And why not? Why shouldn’t we all live in harmony? God is (or should be) at the center of all we do, right? It’s not about us…right?! We all are to glorify God, right? So why not together?
So my Christmas wish this year, for you, for St. Stephen, and for the world is that we learn to live in harmony so that God may be glorified properly, which is all of us, democrat & republican, Muslim & Jew, Gay & Straight, Rich & Poor, Young & Old, living in harmony, loving each other with the same love Jesus showed us on the cross.
Dear Jesus, Grant us Peace & Love so that we can ALL live in harmony with each other to your glory. Amen.
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