READING: Psalm 89:1-4
“You said, ”I have made a covenant
With my chosen one,
I have sworn to my servant David:
I will establish your descendants forever,
And build your throne for all generations.”
Psalm 89: 3-4
In this beautiful Psalm, David declares to all God’s love and his faithfulness not only to us, but to all who follow … forever! What a powerful statement and the foundation of our faith – God’s love.
It’s easy to write down ten things God has done for us. For some, maybe a bit harder to write down what we have done for God. David says he will never quit telling the story of God’s love. As Lutherans, we tend not to be very good at evangelism, and, get almost scared when the subject comes up. Is that because we associate the term with knocking on our neighbors’ doors and asking them about their faith? There are so many other ways we can do this. We’ve recently completed a service project for our community. What a great way to show God’s love by giving time to help others!
As we quickly approach another Christmas, to celebrate the birth of our Lord, and then begin a New Year, 2009, what are you willing to do to “declare” God’s love to others?
Dear Lord, let us rejoice once again that we are so loved by you! Help to guide us in doing a better job of passing this love to on others. Amen.
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