Thursday, December 4, 2008

Advent Devotional - Day 5: by Frank Raike

READING: Psalm 89:19-26
Once you spoke in a vision, to your faithful people you said: “I have energized a warrior; I have raised up a young man from the people. I have found David, my servant. With my sacred oil I have anointed him.
Psalm 89: 19-20

With the recent election freshly behind us and the elected officials taking their place as our leaders, we wonder of those promises that were made before the masses to persuade our decision to vote a particular direction. Now that they are in office, will our politicians keep their promises to make a change? Will taxes be reduced? Will there be an investment in key areas like health, clean energy, innovation and education? Will there be economic growth that helps create good jobs in America and empowers all families to achieve the American dream? Does our community believe in the likelihood of these covenants and anxiously await their occurrence?

God made a covenant to King David and to his generations to follow. From the people, a young man has been raised up, an anointed one. The Lord’s hand will support and strengthen him, giving him control over all.

The Cub Scouts of the Boy Scouts of America teach all scouts the promise:
“I promise to do my best, to do my duty, to God and my Country, to help other people and to obey the Law of the Pack.”

Cub Scouts are boys of seven years of age and older. They learn that making and keeping a promise is important. They learn that a promise is a way of life and a decision to live by. They learn to follow their leader and they will grow and prosper as scouts and as young men. However, at seven years of age, are the promises expected to be kept?

God has kept the promise that has stretched across the centuries. The covenant with King David has not been broken. From David has come the King of Kings. The promises of this Psalm made to David teach that the future seed of David, who would sit on David's throne forever, would also be the Son of God, because God is his father and he reigns forever. As we prepare in this Advent Season, do we keep our promises?

Lord Jesus Christ, help me to keep my promises to you always. Amen

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