Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Advent Devotional - 12th Day

Thursday, December 8th, 2011

Written by: Bill Nasworthy

Readings: Joshua 1:1-11, 6:1-20

In these verses in the book of Joshua, the Lord is giving specific directions to Joshua telling him how to take the city of Jericho. The Lord gives detailed instructions to do first, second and so on. Joshua follows them to the letter. Amazing to me was that Joshua never said “I can’t do it” or “Why me, Lord?” He just listened and did what God told him to do. Wow, if only we’d listen more and think less.

I was in an impossible situation at work. My boss was so hateful and uncaring of others and especially me. She’d heap on the work and then fuss when it wasn’t finished on her time table. Many weekends and evenings I’d spend working on documentation, just to avoid more angry words from her. I tried to get in different departments within the company to no avail. Just when my nerves were shot and my health suffering, I began to pray for either the perfect spot for me to open up within the company or for her to be moved to another department. After what seemed like endless prayers, the Lord saw fit to find me a position in another part of the company. Yep, I couldn’t do it, but God did. I thought it was an impossible task, but a position was actually created just for me. God was good to me!!

The Lord has a plan for each of us. It is just that simple. Allow Him to lead you… will be a better life!

Dear Jesus, let us hear your message and listen to what you want us to do. You need to be the guide in all things. All we have to do is ask you. Amen.

Family Moments:

Thursday: Week 2, Joshua,The Fall of Jericho, Ram's Horn Trumpet: In Joshua 1 God tells Joshua to study the laws and meditate on the laws. Then, as the people marched around Jericho they brought God with them (via the Ark of the Covenant). Since we know that God is always with us, how can your family acknowledge God’s presence in your lives? Where/how/when have you seen God? Sing the song “God of this city” or blow horns and make a loud noise for God! Color the ornament and add it to your Jesse Tree.

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