Thursday, December 8, 2011

Advent Devotional - 13th Day

Friday, December 9th, 2011

Written by: Evelyn Nasworthy

Readings: Judges 2:6-23, 6:1-6, 6:11 - 8:28

My, that was a long passage to read and digest. In a nutshell: it seemed that whenever the Israelites went out on their own, they went against the wishes of the Lord. They would worship idols as well as doing other things to provoke God’s wrath. He tried to save them by having the judges to show them the proper way, but after a judge’s death, they would go back to their misguided ways. The Lord punished them at the hands of others and then He would give them another chance. But they just didn’t get it! Finally, God sends Gideon to them and he, through the guidance of God, is able to ”show them the light” and the Israelites are freed from the Midianites. But being foolish AGAIN, they want Gideon and his sons to rule them. Gideon is quick to point out that it is the Lord who will rule over them not him!

Who (what) do you worship? That new car? Your 60 inch HD television? The seventeen pairs of shoes in your closet? Or that pay check you get? Your spouse or children? I believe that we do place these things in high regard, and perhaps some should be. But NOTHING should be held in higher esteem and worshiped than THE LORD. Without him (or her) you would have NONE of the other. ALL that we have is from God. Do you “get it??”
Heavenly Father, why are we so slow to learn from you and follow the path you want us to follow? Help us Lord to “Really get it!” Amen.

Family Moments:
Friday: Week 2, Gideon, Unlikely Heroes, Clay Water Pitcher: Many times God uses unlikely and everyday people to be a hero, just like Gideon. Who are some of the everyday heroes in your life (Firefighters, Police Officers, Teachers, etc?). Say a prayer for the heroes in your life to know God’s love and protection. . Color the ornament and add it to your Jesse Tree.

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