Thursday, December 22, 2011

Advent Devotional - 27th Day

Friday, December 23rd, 2011

Written by: Karole Schuster

Readings: Matthew 2:1-12

Just as the Magi followed God’s path to Jesus, we too must have faith to follow the path that has been given to us. God has a unique path for each of us. Sometimes, that path has clear skies and is well lit. Other times we perceive it as stormy and dark. It is only with the trusting eyes of a child that we can see clearly, remembering that each person’s journey may be different. It is with God’s grace and everlasting love to guide us, and our covenant with God will be fulfilled.

This is a reminder that God often uses others, such as the Magi, to show us the way. The Magi were not of “the Chosen People”, they could almost have been considered enemies of the people of Israel. Yet, God brings them to the babe to show that they recognize that this is a special child, a part of God’s plan. God has kept HIS promise, the child is from David’s line and from David’s city Bethlehem. BUT he is God’s choice. His covenant with David is complete. Jesus is the Messiah!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of Your Son and this Advent season. Keep watch over us and help us to be grateful and gracious. Give us strength to remember that our journey to you can be found in our GPS (God’s Plan for Salvation) aka your Word.
In your Holy name we pray. Amen

Family Moments:

Friday: Week 4, Magi, Worship, Matthew 2:1-12, Star or Candle
Cut stars out of paper or use glow in the dark stars and lead your children on a “star hunt.” Start with a small star and have the stars get progressively larger (as possible). Have the largest star over your nativity set. Discuss what it might have been like to travel so far following a star. Was it scary to travel at night? Do you think they ever wanted to give up? Color the ornament and add it to your Jesse Tree.

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