Monday, December 12, 2011

Advent Devotional - 16th Day

Monday, December 12th, 2011

Written by: Nancy Ulerich

Readings: 1 Kings 17:1-16, 18:17-46

Elijah’s story teaches me the power of patience, waiting on God and trusting God through all situations, one day at a time, one moment at a time.

Elijah boldly does great things to validate God to His people who have fallen astray, worshiping false gods. Elijah raises a Gentile widow’s son from the dead, and he demonstrates God’s power in accepting his sacrifice with fire, while hundreds of the prophets of Baal fail.
Elijah is prepared to do great works as he patiently lives through difficult and uncertain times, trusting God to provide and guide him. Elijah must trust God one step at a time. God hides Elijah by the Brook Cherith, feeding him via unclean Ravens. He has no security; the food comes one meal at a time. Elijah watches the brook dry up in the drought, without knowing the next step of the plan. He must patiently wait in hiding, watching his water supply dwindle. When the brook dries up, God sends Elijah to an unclean gentile widow who is down to her last bit of oil and bread. Together they move forward, God supplying just enough flour and oil to survive each day.

Dear God, Help me to follow Elijah’s example, to trust you day by day, having enough in each moment, waiting on your movement. Allow me the faith to see through current problems and pain, feeling your presence in each moment, trusting you are with me, so that I, like Elijah, will be available in your time to eagerly do your work when I am called.

Family Moments:
Monday: Week 3, Elijah, The Threat of False Gods, Stone Altar: The people of Israel had stopped believing in God. So the prophet Elijah gathered all of the people and built an altar to God for sacrifice. Then, Elijah prays to God to send a fire for the sacrifice. But there is one “problem” - Elijah (intentionally) made the altar soaking wet! Fires won’t start with wet wood! But our God can do anything God wants to do – so God sent a fire and the fire burned up all of the water, and everyone believed in God again. What things have you seen that help you believe in God (a rainbow, a sunset, a new baby, illness healed, etc?) Say a prayer of thanks to God for the “reminders of His power” we’ve seen. Color the ornament and add it to your Jesse Tree.

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