Friday, December 9, 2011

Advent Devotional - 15th Day

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

Written by: Ken Schuster

Readings: 1 Samuel 16:1 - 17:58, 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 7:1-17

When we first look at the words from Samuel we see the familiar story of David becoming King of Israel and God’s commitment that the Messiah will be from David’s line. It is easy to “skip over” much of the story because the “linage of the Messiah” seems to be the main purpose from our modern perspective. However, when we slow down and reread we see that there is a message that is greater then the linage of the Messiah. The overriding message is that GOD has a plan and that it is God’s plan which man then wants to second guess.

From the beginning we have Samuel questioning his role, and the way God wants him to proceed. Then David goes down this path and actually disobeys God, even committing adultery and murder. Yet God has two things to tell us, I will forgive you and centuries before it happens I know that I will have to redeem you and it is MY plan for you. If we listen to God’s message, He keeps telling us to have faith, I have THE plan, I know how I want it done and it will be on MY schedule not yours. But the greatest message is that the unconditional covenant that God makes with each of us is not invalidated by our sinful actions. God loves his creation and will not part from us even when we disobey HIM.

God’s plan for us, as he shows us here through the struggles of Samuel and David, is that God will give of Himself, through Christ, to save us. Through David God says and demonstrates that I am with you for always. Thus He sends Jesus to become like us to die for us. Without God’s plan for us there would be no birth; without the birth there would be no death upon the cross; without the death upon the cross there would be no resurrection and without the resurrection the covenant between God and David would have no meaning for us. Trust in God – He has THE Plan!

Lord help us to learn to listen to Your Word and accept that You have THE plan that will save us, even from ourselves through Christ our Savior.

Family Moments:
Third Sunday: David, A Shepherd for the People, Shepherd's Crook
Today’s readings introduce us to the man Jesse, of the Jesse Tree. Samuel goes to Bethlehem looking for a King – much like how at Christmas our hearts are turned towards Bethlehem looking for a King. Samuel was distracted by the beauty of Jesse’s sons –much like we can be distracted by the sparkly and glamorous things of this season. (There is no sparkle glamour in a stinky manger!) But the Lord doesn’t look at things like we do – people look on the outside but God looks at the heart. Take a moment to turn off the Christmas lights. Admire your tree for the beauty God created. Ask God to help you to look on the inside (at the heart of people!). Color and hang your ornament.

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