Friday, December 23, 2011

Advent Devotional - 28th Day

Saturday, December 24th, 2011

Written by: Dennis McClellan

Readings: Luke 2:1-20

There is so much more to the story we’ve become used to hearing about the arrival of the baby Jesus, his parents’ selection by God, their trip to be part of a census, and the less-than-pleasant conditions of his birth behind an inn. This lowly event was the first ripple in God’s new covenant with humans. With “no vacancy” signs greeting Mary and Joseph, as they arrived in Bethlehem, God gave the world the most wonderful gift – his son, born of an innocent girl and man who must have been the most outstanding earthly father figure possible.

Those “no vacancy” signs still hang throughout the world today. Jesus has been told, in so many ways, in so many languages, that there is “no room” for him in our lives. Yet God’s gift breaks down barriers, finds the slightest openings to enter into our very being, and offers us what we all seek – unquestioning and absolute love.

Let’s not get hung up on a children’s version of the Christmas story – one that we’ve heard all of our lives, but rather, let’s embrace the reality that God reached out to us (he selected us) and gave us the gift of life, forgiveness and salvation through the birth of that small child so many, many years ago. That gift continues to give, even when we are the least likely recipients. Let’s understand that part of the story.

Give me the strength to see through my own “no vacancy” signs and accept the best gift I could ever be offered. Allow me to tear down barriers that keep me from being a better disciple for the baby Jesus. Amen.

Family Moments:

Saturday, Decemberr 24: Jesus , Birth of the Messiah, Manger
Go to Christmas Eve worship as a family. Color the ornament and add it to your Jesse Tree.

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