Monday, December 19, 2011

Advent Devotional - 23rd Day

Monday, December 19th, 2011

Written by: Elaine Cornelius

Readings: Luke 1:26-38

When a long awaited announcement comes, we often meet it with not only joy, but trepidation. Like Mary, we may ask “how” or “why me.” As reality sets in we realize there is much work to accompany the honor bestowed on us. We may not feel ready for what will come. At times, it may not feel like an honor at all. Yet, the added responsibility comes because someone believes in us and trusts us to do the job well. This passage from Luke illustrates God’s trust in Mary.

God trusts us. He trusts us enough that in following Him we will find challenges. Our path won’t always be easy. But, God loves us and will be with us in all that we are asked to do. Bearing and raising the Messiah would not be an easy task. Still, He trusted Mary to see it to completion. He knew she was faithful and would rely on Him for strength to get through. As a loving parent, God gives challenging paths to His children whom He loves so that we may learn to fully trust in Him. When we remember to rely on God, that all things are possible through Him, we become like Mary. We become a willing instrument of God’s grace and with the Lord we can do great things.

Loving Father, help me to be open to your will for my life. Give me courage to face the challenges that You entrust to me. I pray that you will show me how to be an instrument of Your grace. Amen.

Family Moments:
Monday: Week 4, Mary, The Hope for a Future, White Lily
Mary was a young girl when the angel appeared to her, declaring her to the Mother of God. How do you think Mary could have responded to the angel? (Run away? Cry? Freak out?) But Mary chose to be obedient - a servant of the Lord. How can you serve the Lord today? Who did you meet today who was a servant of the Lord. Tell God’s servants how thankful you are for them! Color the ornament and add it to your Jesse Tree.

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