Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Advent Devotion, December 17, 2014
Reading:  Luke 1: 39-45
Written by:  Anita Bergh

It seems to me this passage speaks about relationships.:Elizabeth with Mary and the two women’s relationship to God. Elizabeth was so surprised, so full of excitement, that her entire being was affected, so that the developing child within her stirred, moved, leaped and she felt sheer JOY. Mary felt the honor and blessing received from Elizabeth as she too was given a joyful greeting —“Blessed are you—blessed is the child within you”  (“the fruit of your womb”) The exchange of these greetings reflects the love and intimacy these two women had experienced; no doubt throughout their lives. But this moment was an indescribable one of mutual understanding and joy.

The passage also indicates the closeness to their God-“Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit”(vs 41) . And later in this chapter is recorded the song of praise Mary gives to God.(The “Magnificat”)

This passage inspires me to convey to others the indescribable JOY this Advent season can bring.  Maybe we aren’t even aware of the impact our spirit has upon the server at the restaurant, or the sales person in the shop, or the ticket taker on the bus. I recall once when working in a hospital (as a young girl), tending to daily duties in a ward, a voice from one of the beds said to me—”How does it happen that you can be so cheerful all the time?”  His words came as a surprise and I gave no real answer.  In retrospect, I realize that basically I was full of the Joy of the Lord. And I did not convey this to him.  Maybe I could have replied somewhat like this: “”Not always do I feel cheerful, but knowing the Lord gives me a deep-down joy “.

Even if we are not always feeling buoyant, our patient demeanor can convey what I call “spiritual Joy”.  This Joy cannot be experienced or maintained without “daily renewal” through the Word (Bible reading) and the Sacrament of Holy Communion (worship).

PRAYER:  THIS ADVENT DEAR LORD, I pray that your Spirit will cut through the concerns, anxieties, and disappointments of my life so that I will be free to experience that JOY you are forever giving to me and to the World.  Amen.

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