Friday, December 5, 2014

Advent Devotional:  December 5, 2014
Reading: Psalm 40: 4-5
Written by: Cyd Law

As a new Grandmother I am experiencing the joys of watching my 16 month old grandson explore Gods world.  He chases the Sand Hill cranes down the driveway yelling “bir, bir, bir” as he tries to catch the birds that are twice his size. On walks with him he collects all the acorns he can find and we have to remind him that he needs to leave a few for the squirrels as it’s their food for the winter.  Then the other afternoon he spent 15 minutes turning in circles stamping on a storm drain because he liked the sound it made.  My biggest joy is when he first arrives and I call his name and he comes running into my arms with that big smile on his face.

I know that God, as my heavenly father, probably feels the same way when I as his child see his world through his eyes.  When I find joy in watching a mother deer nurse her fawn on my front lawn;  When I take the time to open the door for someone who might be handicapped or just has a heavy load; and  When I trust him for everything and stop worrying about tomorrow.  In our busy world we need to take the time to appreciate all that God has done for us and will continue to do for us just because we are his children.  We need to thank him for all he has done and will do.

Dear God,

Thank you for being my father.  Thank you for creating this beautiful world for me to care for and enjoy.  Thank you for sending your son Jesus who has helped me  know you better and understand that you want me to have a real relationship with you. Please continue to guide and direct me in your ways.  Amen

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