Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lent 2014 - March 19

MARCH 19 – Jeremiah 17:5-10
By: Evelyn Nasworthy

To begin to understand these verses, you really need to go back and start reading at verse one. Scripture reminds us that God’s people have strayed from Him. He says that he will be angry at them forever. He loves his people, but their attachment to things and possessions is their downfall. Often money, and lots of it, seems to be the god to which we are faithful. Other times, it is people of power. We are trying to get a promotion, earn more money, and have bigger and better things. And soon….
we are “enslaved” to those things that matter little. God curses that! He wants us to return to putting Him at the center.

Verse ten reads, “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” Our thoughts and actions are being reviewed all the time by God. I don’t think this is a surprise to anyone, but as a reminder to us that ‘Big Daddy is watching’ never hurts to hear. Your reward is a gift he has prepared for you already. Our lives should be filled with giving, sharing, and loving all that we are able to do and then a little bit more. It needs to be with great joy that “things” are shared with others.

In this day of “material things”, put God at the center around which all things revolve. He is the core of our being… then everything else will fall into its appropriate place. May this time of reflection bring you blessings!
Dear Father… With all of your many blessings, we often forget to keep you at the center of our lives. Thank you for the reminder through Your Word in Jeremiah. I will strive to keep me centered in You. Amen

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