Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lent 2014 - March 25

MARCH 25 – 2 Kings 5:1-15
By: Bill Nasworthy

Naaman, a warrior and officer, was suffering with leprosy. He was told by a slave girl who served his wife, to go to the prophet in Israel to and he would heal his wounds. After his king wrote a letter asking for this to be done, and Naaman gathering rich gifts, he heads to meet the king of Israel.

However, the king can’t help him and gets rather upset about being asked. Eventually Naaman ends up seeing Elisha who tells him to wash in the River Jordan seven times and that will clear up his sores. Naaman is angry being asked to do such a task, I think he wanted Elisha to see him face to face and cure him. Eventually Naaman does as he was told and was healed. Then he believed that the true God was the God of Israel. That’s it in a nutshell!

Many things can be gleaned from this passage. What sticks with me is all of the wealth that Naaman brought to pay for his healing wasn’t necessary. You can’t buy God’s love… yes, that is what God is giving when he heals… his love!! That is the healing power.

God, Thank you for the love you share with me. All I need to do is ask for your healing power to wash over me as Naaman in the Jordan River. Clean me with Your love and give me grace. Amen

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