Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lent 2014 - March 22

MARCH 22 – Matthew 18:21-35
By: Jim Detzel

When Peter asks Jesus how many times he should forgive his brother who sins against him, Jesus replies “seventy times seven,” which means an unlimited number of times. We are to forgive as the Father has/will forgive us – ALL of our sins.

Jesus uses a parable to teach this concept – a master who forgives his servant an amount that is incalculable, but somewhere near $6 billion in today’s terms, and yet that same servant does not forgive another that owes him about $12,000 in today’s terms. The master hears of this shameful treatment and reverses his forgiveness and had the wicked servant sent to jail.

How are we in the forgiveness area? Do we let perceived transgressions against us to fester and create anger in our bellies, or do we forgive those who would do injustice to us and allow any anger to diminish and vanish? What is the worst offense that has been committed against us? Are we able to put it aside and forgive the perpetrator of such?

Dear Jesus, please give us the strength and fortitude to forgive as you have forgiven us. You died for our sins, and we should be ready to pass on that forgiveness to others. Please let us be led by your Holy Spirit in our dealings with each other. Amen.

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