Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lenten Reflection - Day 17: by Mary Knurek

READING: Matthew 5: 1-12

The Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes; how many times have we heard this text over the course of our journey. But do we really listen? Please take the time to read and reflect on this message.

I found that as I reflected on these passages I could see different stages in my faith journey. As a young adult I had circumstances that caused me to stray away from the church and my faith journey. Then slowly I was led back into a more positive faith journey which has enriched my life.

Verse 4 says “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” when I read this I thought back to this last summer when my brother was killed in the Midwestern floods. I am glad I had my faith, it was a real comfort to me. As the waves of emotion overcame me I would just have to ride them out and let them pass, I could not imagine trying to survive such an ordeal with out faith.

Then here at St. Stephen we have had 3 losses recently of men that were close in age to my brother. Watching the families come into the office and seeing their pain was a reminder of my loss too. But seeing how strong each of these families were in their faith during such a difficult time was a reminder to me of how much Jesus loves each of us and will guide us through even the most difficult situations.

I hope as you read each verse you can relate each of the “Blessed are those…” to different events in your life and reflect at how can each of us find ways to be a comforter, merciful, pure in heart, peacemaker…

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